Chapter 927: Legendary Night

This was Fei's first time battling a young lord, and it was coming to an end.

This battle came unexpectedly, but it was crucial for Fei. In not too long, the news about Human Emperor Alexander of the North defeating Young Lord Reus of Ormond was going to spread throughout the continent like a shock wave. All the forces and influential figures would have to re-evaluate Fei.

Of course, none of this was important to Fei.

The important thing was that the sense of danger in Fei's mind grew even more intense, and his desire for more power increased as well. Except for leveling-up the other four classes in Diablo World and passing Hell Mode, he must focus on increasing his strength after maxing out at Hell Mode level 100. Fortunately, he learned that killing zombies and mutated demon beasts would bring mysterious pure energy and increase his power.

Since the expeditionary troop of Chambord was delayed in the last little while, the Undead Creature Catastrophe to the south of Dixie City had grown stronger. The other three southern provinces of Alania were in a dire state. The new Alania Empire created a troop and tried to venture into the south to save those survivors, but the result was tragic; many soldiers lost their lives there.

According to the information provided by the [Letter Office], Fei's worst worry had occurred. The evil creatures created by Hell power seemed to be evolving, and more terrifying and advanced creatures appeared. These newly evolved creatures were powerful and had low-level intelligence. They could rival Star-level Warriors, and they had a strict hierarchy. In addition, they could coordinate with each other well.

"If this trend continues, a monster on the level of Lords of Hell might appear. If that happens, this might be done. The most terrifying thing about the creatures of Hell isn't their strength; it is their spreading speed. If this evil energy spread on the Azeroth Continent without control, even gods couldn't save this land!"

Fei was worried after getting the various types of information from the [Letter Office].

"It seems like I need to get on the road… quick! Damn it! The Undead Creature Catastrophe has appeared on the continent for so long! It is about to spread on the entire continent! Where are the members of the Holy Church? These fake people say that their primary mission is to get rid of evil. Why aren't they moving? This is good too; no one is going to 'rob monsters' from me. Whatever, I can't wait any longer. I have to leave tomorrow!"

Fei ordered the military to get ready; they were going to move out early morning and head to the south of Alania.

The soldiers of Chambord started to get busy in the campsite.

At the evening, Fei received the invitation of the young Emperor and went to the celebration party at the Royal Palace.

Before the party started, Fei stayed with his in-name disciple alone and taught the latter a little. Since the Royal Palace of Alania lacked masters, Fei selected ten Saint Seiyas of Chambord and made them Emperor Leo's guards. They would stay here and be in charge of protecting the Emperor and training new guards.

When the party started, the entire Royal Palace was noisy and full of people.

This was Fei's first time participating in this type of party after coming to Dixie City. This was also the nobles and influential figures of Alania's first time getting this close to the creator of the new empire. When Fei appeared, loud claps resonated in the Royal Palace. People's excitement towards Fei far exceeded their excitement towards Emperor Leo.

The Emperor and nobles gave most of the speeches. Fei disliked this type of events, so he quickly bypassed it.

Throughout the entire hour, Fei was undoubtedly the star of the party. He didn't lack nobles, noble ladies, and beautiful girls who tried to strike a conversation with him by his side.

The men hoped that they could talk to the Father of the Nation for even a second. If that happened, they would be able to show off in front of their friends for the rest of their lives.

The women tried to demonstrate their beauty and wanted to be looked at by Fei. If that could further develop into something pleasurable, it would be perfect in their eyes.

Chapter 927: Legendary Night (Part Two)

In the fancy and luxuriously-decorated grand hall, people were chatting and toasting. The crisp glass-colliding noises rang all night. Wherever Fei went, a large group of people followed; he was warmly received.

This was the biggest celebration in the history of the newly-established Alania Empire.

At the same time, except for the main party which was happening in the Royal Palace, seats and tables were set up on the stairs and the square outside the palace.

People with good status all tried their best to get into this party. For people with less money and influence, they felt proud just looking at the party from afar.

The last row of tables on the square were the furthest away from the Royal Palace, and the people sitting at these tables had the least status. At one table, a few girls sat there with a lot of makeup, and they all wore fancy dresses. They were showing off their best side, hoping to attract the attention of a certain someone.

"Ah, I'm so envious of the noble ladies. It would be so awesome if we can enter the main palace and see Human Emperor once. With my youth and beauty, perhaps Human Emperor will like me!"

A girl who had cute freckles and was a little chubby cupped her face with her hands and looked in the direction of the noisy palace in envy; it seemed like red hearts were appearing in her eyes. She only had light makeup on, making her look unique and different out of all the women here.

This was only the dream of this naïve girl.

However, the other women who had heavy makeup instantly mocked her.

"Haha! Just you? Forget it, Jenny. You are the daughter of a little grain merchant; you should be thankful that you can participate in this party. How dare you wish to enter the main palace? It is like a toad wishing to eat swan meat! Haha!"

"Yeah, you are only a low-level civilian; you want to become a noble as well? Keep on dreaming!"

"Some dirty civilians believe that their chances are here after the re-establishment of our empire, and they are all trying to turn their situation around. However, it is what it is. How can they become nobles with a few small tricks and schemes?"

These vicious and mean women were all nobles when the previous Alania Empire existed.

After the new Emperor took the helm, except for promoting many people who he trusted, the old nobles who didn't do anything terrible were also treated well to stabilize the situation in the empire. Although their noble status wasn't inherited from before, they still felt proud about their bloodline, and they looked down at the new nobles and the civilians. Therefore, they complained a lot and behaved arrogantly.

This pure and chubby girl named Jenny represented the new force on the rise. Her father was a grain merchant, and his force wasn't as impacted by the Undead Creature Catastrophe and got to reserve his strength.

Since this man was also far-sighted, after the northern regions of Alania were reclaimed, he tried hard to partner up with Soros' Merchant Group and stocked a lot of grains and food. Since most of the food sources in the Alania Empire were stained and polluted, little grain was harvested this year, and the price for grain skyrocketed. With this trend behind him, this man's status rose, and he became the person who many forces wanted to recruit.

However, for tonight's party, even though he got the invitation and could participate, a civilian like him wasn't able to enter the Royal Palace. He could only sit on the square and watch that heated power circle in envy.

This world treated bloodlines and hierarchies seriously.

Right now, Jenny's father, Lewis, was sitting beside her.

He was a slightly-chubby, middle-aged man, and his face was white without a beard. With the typical gentle and humble smile of a merchant, he listened to the vicious and mean mockeries around him and didn't react at all. However, streaks of light flashed in his slightly-squinted small eyes, showing his cleverness.

Chapter 927: Legendary Night (Part Three)

As a merchant who got to this point from the bottom of the social hierarchy, Lewis was experienced and good at hiding his emotions. Right now, he was ignoring the mockeries coming from these ignorant women. From his perspective, these uninformed people were already washed away by this era, and they couldn't do anything except complain and whine.

Lewis' goal was to enter the power circle of the new empire. He didn't want to become an official; he wanted to be a well-connected merchant. This was the only way that his family could survive on this cold continent which was ruled by the laws of the jungle.

Unfortunately, due to his low social status, he was greeted with many cold shoulders.

Lewis was hoping to make some progress such as entering the circle of nobles tonight. That was why he spent a lot of money and used a lot of connections to get his hands on an invitation to this party. However, the situation didn't go as planned. A few people took money from him with big smiles and promised to introduce him to the influential figures of Alania and the Human Emperor of the North. However, the party was coming to an end, yet those few people hadn't shown their faces yet. It seemed like his hope was crushed.

While sighing in disappointment, Lewis looked at his wife and daughter who seemed embarrassed and angry at these other women's mockeries, finally losing the interest of staying here longer. Just as he got up and was ready to leave, a series of strange noises sounded from the direction of the Royal Palace.

The people who were sitting at the tables closer to the Royal Palace all stood up and cheered.

"Ah! It is Human Emperor His Majesty! Also, Leo His Majesty! They are coming out!" People with better vision saw what was happening, and they screamed in pleasant surprise.

Lewis looked up and saw that the influential figures who were haughty and rarely seen had flattering smiles on their faces, and they accompanied two people out of the Royal Palace.

One of them had the golden crown on his head and was wearing a royal robe. Even though he looked a little young, he appeared majestic. He was none other than Emperor Leo.

Beside him, the man was tall and handsome. His long black hair fluttered in the breeze, contrasting with the snow-white robe on his body. With a gentle smile, he looked different and unique in the crowd. Like a god who descended to the mortal world, he looked majestic and celestial. He was the famous Human Emperor Alexander of the North!

Even though Lewis always had his emotions in check, he couldn't help it when he saw this god-like legendary man. His blood boiled, his heart raced, and admiration appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect to see the fabulous Human Emperor of the North tonight. Although I only got a glimpse from a distance, it is enough for me. This is exciting!"

At this moment, the cunning Grain Merchant Lewis was no longer resentful. After getting this glimpse, he felt like the money and gifts that he spent were all worth it.

Although Emperor Leo gave a quick speech using the magic loudspeaker, Lewis who was in an excited state didn't hear one word. Just as he thought that this dreamy moment was going to end, someone lightly poked him.

Lewis was a little angry since someone disrupted this moment. He turned around and saw that it was his daughter, Jenny; she was signaling him to look in the other direction. He turned his head and saw a young man smiling at him.

"You are…" Lewis didn't recognize him.

"Pardon me; my lord is inviting your family over," the young man said respectfully.

Lewis frowned since he didn't know any influential figures. Therefore, he asked subconsciously, "Your lord? Who is he?"

"King Alexander of Chambord." The answer that came out of this young man's mouth was shocking.

"What? How is this possible?"

Now, everyone who was paying attention to this was stunned, let alone Lewis and his family. Many of them gasped, and they couldn't believe that the god-like Human Emperor of the North was inviting over a grain merchant who had low status.

"Is this a joke?" many people thought to themselves.