Chapter 9: The Tent Game

It was now time for an evening game which was for a boy and a girl to sit in the tent⛺ then we close the tent⛺ and they later open it and take a pic of both of them. It's from 1st to 3rd position, the people with the best couple pic wins. The boys are the ones to choose the girls they want to do it with them.

Perpetual: Do u know what today's game is about

Ann: No, I don't

Sarah: Me too

Kurt: Gerald and I heard the teachers saying that it's a picture game

Ann, Perpetual and Sarah: Picture game!!

Sarah: Interesting

Andy: Did u hear what it's about

Gerald: No, Kurt and I didn't hear that

The game was to start and the teachers explained the game to the Students

Ann: I wanted to be only girls so that we can take the best pic but it's not

Brianna, Arielle and Marie were so happy cos they thought Gerald, Kurt and Andy would choose them

Teacher: Frederick, choose any Girl and whoever the girl is, cannot decline

Frederick went straight to Arielle, Arielle wanted to refuse but agreed

Arielle's mind: Oh i hate u so much Frederick

Frederick and Arielle sat in the tent and the tent was closed

Arielle: Why did u even choose me

Frederick: Because I like u a lot Arielle

Arielle: I don't also like u

The cameraman secretly took a photo of them which Arielle and Frederick were both of them talking to each other. The tent opened and Arielle angrily went and sat down by Brianna

Teacher: The next is Gerald

Brianna: I know Gerald would obviously choose me

Gerald went straight to Perpetual

Gerald: Would u go to the tent with me

Sarah and Ann: Aaaaahhh

Perpetual accepted, Brianna was so angry at Perpetual

Brianna's mind: I'll get this bitch next time I get her

Gerald and Perpetual sat in the tent and it was closed

Gerald: You know you have such beautiful eyes

Perpetual: Thanks Gerald

The camera was taken and Gerald and Perpetual were staring at each other. The tent opened and everyone was surprised to see them staring at each other. Gerald got up first and also helped Perpetual to get up. They then sat down on the cold grass

Teacher: The next person is Kurt

Marie: Kurt would actually choose me because I can see that he likes me

Kurt went straight to Ann and offered his hand to Ann, Ann shyly agreed. They sat in the tent and it was closed. Kurt was removing hair from Ann's face. Ann also held his hand. The pic was taken and the tent was opened. They immediately stopped what they were doing. They went and sat down

Teacher: The next person is Andy

Andy went to Sarah and chose her, they went and sat in the tent. The pic was that Andy held Sarah's cheek and Sarah held his cheek also. The tent were opened and they got out

Teacher: The next person is Eric

The game continued and continued until it was over. Brianna didn't get a single guy but Marie did

Teacher: So we got three best photos which is so romantic and shows like they're all even a couple

Sarah: I hope it's not us

Ann: Me too

Teacher: The 3rd position goes to...

Perpetual: Uh huh

Teacher: Perpetual and Gerald!!

Everyone was saying Gerald and Perpetual's name

Teacher: The 2nd position goes to... Sarah and Andy

Sarah: Woooh

Teacher: The first position goes to...

Ann and Kurt

Everyone was saying Ann and Kurt's name. Ann shyly smiled

Teacher: All of u should come for your bouquet which will be given by Kurt, Gerald and Andy to Ann, Sarah and Perpetual by saying a something nice to the girls

They all got up and the boys took the bouquet. Kurt gave the bouquet to Ann

Kurt: We make a great team together Miss Ann

Ann laughed

Ann: Yeah, we sure do

Gerald gave the bouquet to Perpetual

Gerald: You're so beautiful when u smile

Perpetual: Thanks

Andy handed the bouquet to Sarah

Andy: I give this nice bouquet milady

Sarah smiled

Sarah: Thanks