
Providence POV,

This evening, I'm going for a dinner party at one of my classmates house with Tiana of course, but I can't seem to see the perfect dress for myself.

The black gown is too dark for the party while the purple gown looks to good for the party and the striped shirt and pants are looking too casual for a party... Gosh, what can I do now I'm so getting late already and Tiana is going to be here soon and if she sees me not ready, I would be in for a grumbling session free of charge...

"Vi, are you not ready yet, Chris (Christiana) would soon be here" my mum said eyeing all the clothes on the floor and the bed

"I can't find a clothe to wear" I whined to my mum

"Ok let me help" my mum said to me and I was already getting excited not knowing that what's going to happen in the next few minutes isn't going to be good at all...

"Oh Vi, what of the gown I bought for you? Try it on for the party" my mum looked at me curious of the whereabout of the gown she bought for me.

Let me give you a quick gist about that so-called gown my mum is talking about, this gown is like a big ball gown but instead of it to be off shoulder or something like that, the dress has a jacket on top of it, so I have to wear a jacket on a big wide dress!! Can you imagine that?!! I have to wear a jacket even if I'm not cold because the jacket is attached to the dress, meaning it is stuck together with the dress.

My mum brought the dress for me on that faithful day and told me that it would look good for any party but I didn't answer her at that time because I didn't take a good look but after I did, wow! I was shocked. Me! Wear that dress! Never!!

Anyways, about the whereabout of the gown, it's in the store room...

"Mum I don't know" I told her because, who wants problems? Definitely not me

"Don't try me this evening, where is the dress I bought for you" my mum said getting annoyed... Oo we are still going to have a problem here.

"Look Mum, that gown is not for me so I don't know where it is"I told her sincerely

"You don't know where what is!!!! Do you know how much that gown costs me?!!!" My mum shouted at me incredulously.

"Mum calm down" I said to her cause sincerely she is taking this too seriously.

"I should calm down!! I should calm down!!" She repeated.

"Mum you are taking this too seriously, I can listen better when you don't shout" I told my mum calmly

"Oo I'm taking it too seriously? I didn't know that the dress I bought for a large amount of money is not serious at all" my mum continued talking

"You know what I think? You are just being an ungrateful child and you don't appreciate any thing I do for you, since you became a teenager, you have being very difficult" my mum continued saying. But what hurts the most is that my mum doesn't understand me again, she doesn't even understand that my needs change, she doesn't understand that I've grown, she doesn't understand that I'm not longer the little girl that she knows any longer...

" Mum I appreciate everything you do but that style is really not for me, it's too big and it's out of Vogue" I told my mum trying to make her understand that even though I appreciate it I can't wear that type of dress to a party or even anywhere else...

"Wowsers!! Now you know what's in Vogue and what's not" my mum said laughing sarcastically

"Mum don't you think I've grown enough to choose what I like for myself? I asked her trying to understand her point of view.

"Wow if you have grown so big then what are you still doing in my house" my mother angrily shouted. Ouch that's too much...

"Mum are you sending me out of the house" I asked incredulously

"Oh do you want to leave the house already? Ah you have really grown that you are now thinking of leaving the house" my mother laughed sarcastically

"Then what are you trying to say!"I shouted

"What I'm saying is that as far as you are in my house, you have to always do as I say" she answered me back

" Mum can we talk about this when I get back from the party? I asked her because I'm tired of this back and forth argument.

"No, you are not going to any party, that's your punishment" my mum said folding her arms

Gosh I'm so tired of this!!!!!!