
Author's POV,

"Angela?" Providence asked feeling like a dumbass. Why? Because Angela is her Mum's first name...

Although, her mum is bearing Liliana now, her name was Angela and there's a lot of story in that name...


Providence was running from the stairs while shouting her mother's name

"Mum!!! mum!!! You said you were Liliana because Mrs Kings always calls you Liliana but now I'm seeing Angela in your former driver's license, mum is there something you're not telling me?" her mum quickly took the book from her and said

"where did you see that from Providence? "

"Or mum are you a twin" Providence kept on asking without a break

"Vi, look this is not something you are supposed to see right now" Providence's mum didn't want to burden her child with the troubles of this world

"Mum, just tell me the truth okay, I can handle it" Providence said acting like a big child

"OK baby you mustn't tell anybody about this, anything I tell you now must only be with you because if anybody else hear's of this, then we would both be in trouble do you understand that now before I start talking" Providence nodded her head obediently

"Mum don't worry I won't tell anyone not even Tiana I'll keep it to myself"

Providence assured her mum because she knows that her mum is going to be in trouble if she tells anyone

"Ok my real name is Angela Betty Brown and I was a journalist, I had a blonde hair and green eyes and I was living peacefully until I got pregnant, I couldn't work again when I was pregnant so I stayed with my parents for the main time until your father came and abducted me, he was a very powerful Man at that time and I didn't even have anyone to help me. My parents didn't know when he came to abduct me so they thought I was just missing. But when I couldn't take it anymore, I ran away from the house. After I ran away, I went low-key for some days until I gave birth to you then I decided to change my name to Liliana Jones so that I won't bring trouble to your life, now that you have known,you have to keep quiet and keep everything I said to you today to yourself and make sure nobody else knows that my name was Angela Betty Brown okay?"

**End of Flashback**

"Your name is Angela?" Providence asked somehow feeling a connection now. ' can she really be my sister? She's bearing my mum's first name or wait...'

"Do you know any Parker" Providence asked feeling anxious because if this Angela knows anyone named Parker, that means she could really be her sister and that means she would have to find out more about this Angela girl because a connection is getting there,she thought but before Angela could say anything the teacher came into the class....

"We would talk about this matter further during lunchtime" Angela said feeling interested in this matter. 'Why was Providence asking me about Parker? does she know any parker? if thats it then this is more interesting than I thought it would be ' Providence was also immersed in her thoughts as much as Angela. The both of them didn't even listen to any lectures of the teacher they were all just thinking different thoughts in their heads, even the other students were confused now. What happened to their Queen? why is she acting somehow? What is the connection between this Angela and their Queen? their Queen was even being soft with this girl there must be a connection because without a connection they have never seen their Queen being soft to anyone.

Finally, the long-awaited bell rang and everybody almost flew out of the class. Providence and Angela made eye contact with each other and they decided to meet outside. Angela was at the front so she was the first to go out, she waited for Providence to come out before going to the cafeteria when Providence came out she looked at Angela and said

" Let's go and find a table then we'll talk about this matter more"

Angela was more happy because she didn't know anywhere in the school as she just came this morning, so as Providence is with her, she wouldn't have to ask for directions around because to her that's embarrassing. So, to express her gratitude and to make the matter more friendly, she turned to Providence and smiled and said

"Thanks for staying with me in this cafeteria because this place is very big I might get lost because as you see, I just came to school this morning I'm still new so I don't know many things in this school so I hope you'll be able to show me more parts of the school" Angela said feeling nervous.

Providence who was still thinking about the matter in the class just look at Angela and answered

"Ok but my sister is going to come and sit with us"

"Your sister? do you have any sister here"Angela asked feeling depressed

"Yes, but not biological. Her name is Christiana but I call her Tiana" Providence said smiling at the name of her friend but on the other hand, Angela felt relieved...

"Oh, ok then should we wait for her before we talk or what" Angela asked Providence

"No, don't talk about that matter when she is here I don't want to involve her in this matter of life" Providence answered quietly

"So do you know Parker?" Providence asked nervously...