
It was already closing time now and Providence didn't have time to talk with Angela but she was still thinking about it.

' if this Parker is her father and my name is Parker and her name is Angela... Uh it's getting complicated!!'

" Little Rock!!! " Xander shouted at Providence, cutting her out of her thoughts...

"What? Why are you shouting at me" She said looking at everybody because, she didn't understand why Xander was shouting at her. When she looked around, she saw that everybody was looking at her weirdly...

" What's with the look you are all giving me?" She asked still confused

"Pro are you alright? We've been calling you for the past 30 seconds but to no avail" Xavier asked very concerned about Providence...

"Me? 30 seconds? Why? What was I doing?" Providence asked very confused

" Oh, you were just staring into a blank space like you saw a ghost and that scare the sh*t out of me" Tiana said checking Providence out...

"Wow I didn't know I blanked out that much" Providence said clearly surprised...

"What were you thinking about so much that you couldn't even walk again?" Xavier asked still feeling concerned

"No xavy, don't ask what she was thinking about now, we will ask her later" Xander said giving Xavier the ' keep shut ' eye...

Xavier quickly caught the sign that his brother was giving him and he looked at Providence suspiciously

"Pro, I thought we talked about this! We are going to take you to the ice cream shop now don't worry and why are you still thinking about the matter? We didn't do much to him , we just warned him to steer clear of our sister" Xavier whisper shouted to Providence

Providence was very sure they misunderstood her but she couldn't tell them the real issue so, she just played along...

" No, I wouldn't tell her I was just thinking about how you people warned him" Providence whispered to Xavier back...

"You Know, you people should consider eating your ears off since whispering is the new rule now. What are you guys even whispering about that you don't want me to hear? And you Providence, you have joined them right? Keeping secrets from me right? My birthday is not until next year so I don't know why you are all biting each other's ears in the name of whispering" Tiana said bursting in anger and anxiousness

"Sh,sh it's okay my little sister, you don't need to be angry" Xander said coaxing his sister

"Leave me alone Xander I'm not in the mood now" Tiana said looking away

" Oh oh!!! Our princess is getting angry" The twins said together creepily

"Stop talking at the same time!! It's so creepy and it even sounds like it's a robot talking" Tiana shouted at the twins...

"Tiana, calm down. Take a deep breath, everything's gonna be okay" Providence said trying to calm Tiana down

"And perhaps, we were just planning to take you out for ice cream, right guys?" Providence told Tiana while looking at the boys warningly

"Of course that's what we were planning but we didn't want to tell you so quickly so that you won't ask questions" Xander responded smartly...

" Oh, is that so?" Tiana asked eyeing all of them one by one like a very strict principal...

"Yes that's so" The twins and Providence answered together at once

"Ok then, let's move it!!" Tiana exclaimed happily finally softening

" I owe you a hug" Providence whispered to Xander's ears

" Have you started again now?" Tiana looked at them suspiciously..

" No, she was just telling me that she doesn't have any money to pay for the ice cream" Xander said covering up for Providence very smoothly...

He then turned to Providence and said

" Little Rock, don't worry, Xavier would take care of the bills" Xander said trying to push the bills on Xavier

" No, xavy isn't going to pay for anything!! Xander you are paying for everything, right??" Providence smiled maniacally at Xander

", Of course, I would foot the bills" Xander answered looking at Providence cautiously

" I don't understand you guys again, how can Xander pay for the ice cream? It has never happened before!! I don't trust you guys but, whatever, as far as I'm getting my ice cream for free" Tiana smiled happily

"Shhhh, we are almost there everyone so be ready to pay Xander" Xavier smiled at his brother happily

" Shutdown Xavier, because you are not footing the bill now, you are smiling" Xander said mockingly to his brother

"Bro, if I shut down, we would surely have an accident here so, since we are twins, you can help me out by shutting down" Xavier responded still in a very pleasant mood...

Author's Note🌺🌷🌹🌺

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I wrote a chapter, very sorry for that but I've not been having it easy on my side but I'm back now and I'm here to stay..

A quick shout-out to one of my trades that has been reaching out to me and encouraging me, Thank you very much Lawrence Oshim and don't worry, I will update as fast as I can but for now manage this