Chapter Eleven

As promised by the alpha we all fitted onto the coach the pups all chatting away in their groups I put them in. Alpha Joe and Luna Sarah had gotten all the adults to introduce themselves to me so I could split the pups up just like I did back at the Red Moon Pack. They wanted to make the experience for everyone stress free and for me they didn't want me worrying about all the pup's whereabouts. Scott was the only one reluctant in the end only happy to interact with Dean with Poppy when my attention was elsewhere.

Though I had a bond with all the pups, Scott's was as strong as the ones I had with my siblings for some strange reason, I am not entirely sure how it happened. I had found him one night whilst hunting for prey in no man's land, it was his whimpers that I had heard, they were quiet and mournful. The weak sounds had called to me so I had followed them only to come across him laying curled up in a small ball, shivering between his dead parents near death himself, his fur was cold as ice when Val had touched him, I had no idea how long he had been there or who had killed his parents, but we couldn't leave him. I had picked him up and got him back to the cottage where I nursed him back to the living, finally getting him to shift back to human form after a few days later. I am still not sure why he has latched onto me more than the others, but I wasn't complaining if I could make the pups feel better, I would do anything in my power to do it.

Pulling up to the swanky mall I can feel all the excitement and nerves coming off of everyone, including the adults who have spent the ride getting to know the pups in their care and bringing them out of their closed off shells, I can tell already that more of them are close to getting new parents. It is nice seeing our pups growing and becoming part of a pack that they should have always been in Val sighs with contentment

It is. I know we were their pack Val, but they need them to look after them now that it is coming-

"Alright everyone" Sarah calls from the front "please stay within your groups. Pups don't let those adults wonder off I know what they are like" making them laugh why the adults mock being hurt. "Now let's go shopping" coach door opening she waits for everyone to exit picking up Scott in my arms I rest him on my hip to go. He is feeling very clingy today and won't leave myside.

"It's huge" Suzy stutters staring up at the mall edging closer to Rob's side.

"Yes, it is sweetheart. Would you like to er…hold our hands so we don't get lost" carrying on Sarah's claim of wandering adults, rolling my eyes I nod at her as she glances at me as I walk past which doesn't go unnoticed, but no one says anything as I sort all the minor issues in the groups, now that we are here the pups are falling back into their old habits and turning to me for guidance.

"Ok let's go" the alpha links arms with Sarah whilst Chelsea and Dean push a pram with Poppy in it alongside them moving towards the mall and soon as the attention is off them Cassey, Harry and Luke rush towards my group consisting of my siblings and Scott.

"Jenni, Jenni, we've missed you" they all hug me, and I nearly topple over at all the arms wrapped around me.

"Hi you guys. It's nice to see you all again."

"Can we walk with you?" I watch as the alpha suddenly spins around in search of someone, waving my spare arm in the air, I gesture in front of me making the pups swivel around before hiding behind me as Alpha Joe heads are way.

"Busted" Lily giggles setting them all of.

"You three are going to be the death of me" he rants as he places his hands on his hips in front of me trying to look stern but failing miserably with his eyes shining in amusement.

"We wanna be with Jenni" they all pipe up from behind me.

"Jenni already-"

"But I can hold Sammy's hand with Lily in between me and Jenni" Cassey squeaks.

"And we will walk on the other side" Harry pipes up at the end, Joe opens his mouth and closes it again before sliding his hand over his face realising, he isn't going to win this however much he tries.

"It is ok we will look after them. I'm used to looking after all of them so I am sure I can look after just six of them" I smile trying to give the poor alpha away out.

"You sure? This is meant to be a fun outing for everyone. That includes yourself."

"It will be ok. You three will behave won't you" I say sternly at the pups who stand with their hands clasped in front of them nodding like bobble heads and if they were real, I am sure that halos would have sprung above their heads, shaking our heads at them we move on the alpha catching up with Luna Sarah as I bring up the rear so I can keep eyes on everyone.


We have been in the first shop for just over an hour now, they picked a big department store to get most of the things they believed we needed in one go and my head is throbbing with all the questions coming through my link, thankfully the pups I was looking after ended up going with the alpha and luna apart from Scott, Dean managed to take him off my hands with Chelsea. They were attempting to give me time to look around on my own to find things I might like but it just wasn't happening. Placing my cool palm against my forehead I try to concentrate on answering all of them as quickly as I could.

Taking a breath, I close my eyes to take a moment when I feel a tug on my hoodie that Chelsea gave me this morning, looking down I see Suzy holding a cuddly toy wolf smiling, crouching down to her level. "Jenni, look it's a cuddly wolf"

"Isn't he cute" it's a dark grey wolf with big baby blue eyes in a sitting up position.

"Suzy we were worried when you disappeared" she quickly hides behind me thinking that she is going to get hit.

"Hey Suzy, they aren't angry they were just worried why don't you show them what you found." They look at her lovingly and full of guilt at making her think she was in trouble "you shouldn't feel bad" I whisper loud enough for them both to hear as I pull her around to my front.

"I found a wolf and I really wanted to show Jenni, I really am sorry" she tucks her head down not meeting their eyes, they crouch down to her level and smile as I hold her back to my chest with my arms around her waist.

"Hey Suzy, do you like him?" Gary asks and she looks at me unsure before making a small nod.

"Would you like us to get him for you?"

"I- I- already have a wolf though" a tear slips from her eye down her cheek.

"You can have more than one sweetie."

"Suzy you are not going to get punished you can answer them with any option you choose." She stares at me bewildered.

"Suzy, honey" Rob says coaxingly "how about we get him for you anyway so you don't have to answer but we would like you to start sharing your opinion with us" she clutches him to her chest.

"You going to get him for me" she squeak sobs making them chuckle sadly as they nod at her, before they catch-on she launches herself at them grasping them both around their necks nearly knocking them back on their arses making me chuckle. "Thank you thank you." she lets go of them clutching the wolf even tighter to her chest.

"Come on let's see what else we can persuade you to let us buy you. But please don't run off again, if you want to see Jenni just let us know and we will come and find her together."

"Ok" she chimes skipping along beside them still holding onto the wolf for dear life.

"Sis, sis!" "Jenni, Jenni" sounds of the boys shouting my name draw my attention making me spin around as I stand, they run right into me, making me spin around with them in my arms to keep us all standing. "Alpha Joe said we could both have a ball" they say together making them look at each other making me laugh, they have always been close, and I'm really not surprised they talk like twins, Conner might as well be my brother too. Our families were close together as we grew up and whilst they were always together, I was close to Conner's older brother, we did everything together that was until the attack.

"I hope you said thank you" I say peering down at them.

"Shit" Conner mutters

"We were so excited we ran to tell you" Sam looks down.

"How about you go back to them before they worry where you are and say thank you" I say smiling just as he comes into view with my sister looking relieved that they found the boys.

"You two are fast" Alpha Joe says

"Alpha Joe" they both say making his eyebrow raise "we were so excited at you saying yes, we forgot to say thank you, sorry. Thank you for letting us get the balls and sorry for running off."


"Yes, Lily pie?"

"Luna Sarah is getting me a dolly" she holds it up so proudly, she has always wanted one, but I have never managed to get her one.

"She is gorgeous Lily. What is her name?"

"I-I don't know."

"Hmmm…how about you have a little think and maybe even ask. Sarah and Chelsea may have a few ideas for you. Even Alpha Joe looks like he is good at coming up with names and I bet even Cassey will have a few."

"That is a brilliant idea" she squeals flinging herself at Sarah where Cassey is holding her hand next to Joe "can you help me come up with a name" the three of them start chatting about names.

"Boys why don't you go find Dean" Joe suggests to both of the boys nodding in the direction I last saw Dean and his group. I groan as another flux of questions hit me, having over twenty pups wanting guidance is exhausting.

Guys! I know you are unsure, but they all honestly want to hear your opinion if you like something just tell them. Nothing is going to happen. They are different I promise, and they just want to make sure you get everything you would like and need.

"Jenni. Jenni" someone shakes my shoulder making me jump "sorry I was worried you wasn't answering."

"Sorry" feeling slightly dizzy I find myself suddenly grabbing hold of the alpha's arm to hold me up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah sorry. Pups asking a million questions they are not used to being able to have an opinion and being able to voice it. They are also finding it a bit overwhelming at your generosity."

"You are pack and just like you said the other night we are family" he firmly says "and to be honest we are loving having you all. I've never seen my pack so excited before."

"Thank you" the words seem so insignificant to what they have done for us but there isn't another word that can express my gratitude.


Scott what is wrong? I can feel is panic and start looking around for him.

Jenni where are you?

"Is Scott still with Dean?" Joe's eyes glaze over immediately, and I know instantly that something is wrong as his face falls.

In the shop. Scott where are you?

I don't know.

I am coming champ. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on our link and move towards it.

"Deans lost him we don't know where he is" his voice full of concern "Jenni we don't know-"

"It is ok Joe. He is this way" I point in the direction I am walking letting him follow me behind, as I move quicker, he picks up speed to, for some reason I feel Scott moving further away from us and don't understand why he would leave the shop, it's like him to wander off.

Jenni I am scared. The man won't let me go. What man? Who on earth has got my pup? Growling, Val paces in my mind, determined to get our pup back and ready to fight.

It is ok I am nearly with you Scott; everything is going to be ok. Picking up speed the alpha sticks to my heels as I sprint out of the door and follow the link. I am so close skidding around the corner I find a man wearing a security outfit holding Scott.

"Jenni!" Scott screams trying to get out of the man's arms as soon as he spots me over the man's shoulder, the security guard swivels around alert as he comes face to face with me.

"Please can I have Scott back" I say holding my arms out giving him no room to argue.

"How do I know he belongs with you? He says he has no parents" he sneers at me.

"That is right Gregory" the man turns his attention to Joe "he is part of my pack and is under the care of Jenni here."

"She is just a pup how is she taking care of a young pup herself? And he does not scent of your pack Alpha Joe. How do I know-"

"That is because we only joined the pack yesterday. And I think you should let go of my pup now." Standing straighter I glare at him.

"This is neutrally territory I do not have to do what you-"

"Scott do it" I command giving him the signal to act, Scott punches Gregory in the throat the same time as he kicks him in the balls making the man fold over in pain giving me the opportunity to take Scott out of his arms. "Good work little man" he wraps his arms around my neck. "Don't you dare ever touch my pup again." I snarl.

"I didn't mean to leave I was looking for you, then he said he would help and-" he sobs clutching onto me his tears soaking into my hoodie.

"It's ok Scotty" rubbing smooth circles on his back "what were you trying to find me for?" trying to calm him.

"You little-"

"I would stop there Gregory, or I will be contacting your alpha about attacking pups." Grumbling, he storms off leaving us to get back to the others.

"So do you think I can have it?" I have no idea what he wants after blanking out for a moment due to Val trying to take control and rip the security guards throat out.

"Scott you can have anything you would like" Alpha Joe responds.

"Yay" he cheers.

Back in the shop he directs us to what he wants a small brown teddy bear with a red bow, Joe passes it to him for him to snatch it out of Joes hands and to his chest. Tears spilling out of his eyes with so much joy.

"Come on let's find the others" he ruffles Scott's hair. Finding the others is easy as they stand by the counters placing everything on it for the cashiers to put through the till in shock. "Can I take the tag off the bear Scott so I can pay for him" thinking about it he holds the bear up reluctantly, but Joe does not take it off him he just snaps the tag off and hands it to the cashier.

"Scott there you are" Dean says relieved.

"Sorry Dean" Scott mumbles.

"It is ok we were worried about you" he kisses Scott's forehead before realising what he did and straightens up "so what you found champ?"

"Bear" Scott cheers excitedly "his name Henri"

"What a good name for a bear."

"Right pups let's go get some lunch whilst this lot finish here" Luna Sarah commands.

Herding the pups, we end up in a food court where we get them all seated whilst some of them go order some food. Taking a bottle of water, I take a sip of it before closing my eyes and resting my head in my hands as the adults help the pups. Scott chatting away happily to Dean and Chelsea about his bear.

"Sweetheart. Are you feeling ok you look a little pale" Luna Sarah asks.

"I am ok Luna Sarah" she raises her brows at me "sorry I meant Sarah and honestly, I am ok. I just have a small headache that is all."

"Let me check my bag and see if I have anything to help with that."

Smiling up at her I catch the sight of a man that seems so familiar, and I end up following him that is until hands grab me around my bicep pulling me to a stop "Jenni where are you going?" Alpha Joe asks frowning.

"Sorry I thought I recognised someone" still following him with my eyes, he follows my gaze.

"That is Stan he is part of the pack that borders ours. We don't exactly get along, but we keep to ourselves. I heard that him and his mate lost their pups before they arrived at the pack. He is also one of their most ruthless warriors." Stan, I don't recognise that name, but I am 99% sure I know him.

"I don't know a Stan perhaps he visited the Red Moon Pack and that is why I recognise him"

"That is quite possible. Now come and sit down and take these" he hands me a couple of pills "it will help with that headache the pups gave you" smiling back at him I thank him and re-join the rest of them. Sitting down all I can think about is the wolf Joe had called Stan, he reminds me of someone long ago and not someone I have come across at the Red Moon.