Obtaining a wand


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 6

Obtaining a wand

While he was buying his robes, Hagrid obtained most of the rest of the items on the list. He then left Harry at Ollivanders to acquire his wand while he was getting a surprise for him. That made Harry a little worried since he remember his weird tastes, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When he entered the old shop there was no one in sight, but he could feel someone beneath the counter. Once he approached it, the old Ollivander himself jumped up and said in a very dramatic way. "Ahhh mister Potter!, I was waiting for you."

Harry was speechless. 'Was he trying to surprise me?...was he always that weird or did the old age get to him?'.

"Ehmm, Hi Mr. Ollivander. I am here for my wand, as you may have guessed." He tried to move things forward because he did not wish to spend more time than necessary with the weird man.

Ollivander put his hands on the counter and moved his face forward in order to get close to Harry. He opened his eyes wide and said.

"Ahh a wand!. Of course, of course!. I have many wands here and i am sure we can find something for you, hihihi." After laughing in Harry's face, he pulled back, turned around, and started going through the many shelves filled with wands, picking a box here and there.

Harry meanwhile was left there at the counter, dumbfounded.

'Maybe I should just go… I mean I hardly need a wand anymore. I can just grab a stick and pretend it is a wand, no one will notice the difference when I do wandless magic. Yes i think that-.'

His thoughts were interrupted when a myriad of boxes were unceremoniously dropped on the counter. Ollivander then grabbed one of the boxes, opened it, and took the wand out.

"Which one is your wand arm?" He asked.

sigh. Harry extended his right arm. 'Well, since I am already here, I might as well see what kind of wand I get this time. My last wand was yew with a phoenix feather core. I loved that wand, at least until I found out that the feather for that wand came from Dumbledore's blasted phoenix. It was never the same after that...I wanted to get another wand at first, but the link formed to your first wand can never be replicated. Yes, you can use other wands but the link will not be as powerful, and at that time I could not afford to lose even a sliver of power just to protect my pride.

So I guess it is a good thing I'm getting a new wand. Yes, something new and different will be good.'

Harry smiled. A rare thing for him. And with review vigor, he started trying all of the wands that Ollivander had brought for him.

After losing count of how many wands he has tried, finally, a wand has formed a very strong link with him. As powerful as his previous wand, if not more. There was light, wind, and many boxes flying around.

"Ahh Magnificent!, glorious indeed Mr. Potter. What a great wand has chosen you. I think I can expect great things from you." Ollivander exclaimed.

Harry took the time to check his new wand. It was certainly different from his last one. The wood seems to be holly and it has a different shape. He could not tell what the core was, but it felt familiar.

"But curious indeed, that THAT one, in particular, would choose you," Ollivander said while getting his face close to Harry and opening his eyes wide. Then he continued.

"For you see, it was her brother the one that gave you THAT scar." He said pointing at Harry's forehead for a moment, and then he realized. "Wait a minute, where is your scar?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Forget about the bloody scar!. What do you mean about the brother wand? Are you referring to my-I mean Voldermorts wand?" Harry asked. He did not like where this was going.

Ollivander managed to recover for a moment. "Emm, ahh yes. You see, it was a wonderful thing. The phoenix that gave his feather to make that wand gave only one more feather. And that feather was used to make the wand of…well You know who."

The realization hit him like a knight bus driven by a blind man at 100mph. His occlumency shield in charge of controlling his emotions started working at full force, his eyes twitched a bit. And then…

"Ok…so…the same phoenix then." He looked at the wand. For a moment he thought about taking the wand, shoving in the old man's behind, and leaving the shop.

He thought that for a while. But then he resigned himself to his fate…this was the best wand he was going to get and once again he was in no position to turn away more power for himself.

He paid for the wand and left without saying another word.

Ollivander for his part was surprised by the lack of reaction from the boy. "Normally they are more excited about receiving their first wand. And this wand, in particular, had a lot of stories, not a good one, but still."

"Well, at least I know someone who will be very happy with the news." He said, before getting started on cleaning all the mess.


Once outside Harry didn't have to wait long before the giant found him. He was carrying a lot of things.

"Arry!, you seem a bit down. What happened?". Seeing as Harry had no intention to explain, he continued.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I have something that will cheer you up. Look what I got for you!." He then put a big cage on his hands. Inside laid a pure white owl.

Harry was speechless once again and his only thought was 'He bought me a bloody owl?!'