Luna Lovegood


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 32

Luna Lovegood

On a closer inspection, he noticed that on top of not wearing shoes, she was also not wearing her school robes, instead, she was using some sort of nightwear dress.

Normally, he would just ignore other students, unless they addressed him first, in which case, he would try to sound polite while trying to end the interaction short.

However there was something odd about this girl, she had a strange aura around her. It was hard to explain since he did not have any ability that allow him to prove further. He decided to talk to her and maybe he would find out.

Harry stopped close to her, but she was still looking out the window, so he decided to speak first.

"There are only ten minutes to curfew. You should go back to your room, Miss."

The blonde girl turned around to address the speaker. Harry noticed that her eyes seemed glazed for a moment before returning to normal, but it was different from someone under the Imperius curse.

"I would like to, but I seem unable to enter my house's common room." She answered while looking into Harry's eyes.

"Did you forget the password?... wait I remember you from the sorting. You are a Ravenclaw. Don't tell me that you are bad with riddles."

"I am very good actually." She smiled brightly for a moment before frowning a bit. "But the statue refuses to say anything. I didn't know what to do, so I went for a walk."

'The statue refuses to speak?. That's impossible….unless.'

"Alright, let's go see this statue, I think I know what's wrong with it," Harry said and started to walk away.

The girl tried to follow his pace with difficulty since he was walking very fast, but didn't complain about it, instead just asked.

"How do you know where the Ravenclaw dorms are?. That is supposed to be a secret."

"I know many things." Harry just answered.

Soon, they reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw tower. It was a stone door, and a small statue of an eagle was placed on the top.

Harry looked at the statue and said.

"A Ravenclaw student seeks entrance."

But the statue did not move or say a word.

Harry made an exasperated sound before taking out his wand and saying.

"Finite Incantatem."

The statue seems to come back to life. It looked down at Harry and the girl and said.

"What is always in front of you but can't be seen?. "

Harry looked at the girl, and she answered.

"The future." She said cheerfully.

"Correct. You may enter." The statue said, then the door opened.

"Thank you for your help. I am Luna Lovegood, by the way." She gave Harry a smile.

Before Harry could introduce himself, she said.

"It was nice to meet you, Harry Potter." And then she went inside.


A few days later Harry would once again encounter Luna walking through the halls of the seventh floor at night.

This time at least she was dressed and had her shoes on, but she seemed more distressed than the last time for some reason.

"Did you get locked out of your common room again Miss Lovegood?."

"Oh, Harry. Hi." She seems to have just noticed his presence.

"You know, it is common courtesy to call people by their last name until they give you leave to call them by name." Harry pointed out.

"Yes, but you don't care about that stuffy old pureblood etiquette," Luna answered knowingly.

Harry gave a hmph noise. "No, I do not, but… never mind. Fine, call me as you wish, as long as you are not disrespectful. So, are you going to tell me what happened this time?."

"I seem to have lost my necklace…or maybe the nargles decided to hide it, they sometimes hide things. But I need to find it. Is very important to me." Luna said while looking around.

Harry decided to ignore the 'nargles' comment for now.

"Let me show you something," Harry said to Luna before turning to one side.

"I require the assistance of a Hogwarts elf." He pronounced loudly.

A pop noise was heard and a small female elf appeared in the spot that Harry had turned to.

"How can Wispy help, sir?" the elf asked.

Harry looked at Luna and said. "Describe the elf, the item you lost."

Luna approached the elf. "It is a necklace made with a butterbeer cork and a blue cord."

The elf disappeared immediately.

"Would she be able to find it? The castle is very big." Luna wondered.

"The elves have their ways. They can communicate with each other very fast and there are over a hundred of them in the castle. "

It only took a few minutes before the elf came back. She approached Luna and showed her a necklace like the one She described.

"Is this missy Necklace?" the elf asked.

"¡Yes!. Thank you!" Luna enthusiastically took the necklace and started to look at it.

Harry addressed the elf again.

"Where did you find it?."

The elf looked at him and quickly answered. "One of the other elves found Missys thing inside one of the trash cans of the Ravenclaw house."

Harry's voice got a bit colder. "I see… You may leave now."

And the elf did. Harry then approached Luna and said.

"Miss Lovegood, would you let me cast a spell on your necklace?. To make sure it doesn't go missing again."

"You can call me Luna, Harry. And yes, of course, you can." She put her necklace in his hands.

Harry put the strongest anti-theft charm he could cast, while still being legal, so nothing lethal, unfortunately.

One of the things that Harry had poor tolerance for, was bullying. And, he knew he was being hypocritical since he has done worse things in the past.

But the bullying was something he had to personally suffer back in his orphanage days. At least until he was strong enough to put those muggles in their place.

He then returned the necklace and escorted her back to the Ravenclaw house dorms.