Dark Lord vs Dark Lord


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 43

Dark lord vs Dark lord

"How can that be…" Harry muttered.

Goyle laughed loudly.

"Your surprise is understandable. Everyone seems to think that I am dead. But it is true non-less." Goyle gave a cruel smile.

Harry knew that he was not lying, he can easily detect a lie even with his eyes closed.

'There is only one explanation that I can think of.'

"You must be the fragment left inside the diary," Harry said, but it sounded more like a statement. After all, that was the only Horcrux that was left unaccounted for.

Goyle's smile froze.

"How did you kno-"

"You took over Malfoys body!." Harry's realization hit him like a rock.

'Now it makes sense! Why Lucius disappeared…THAT FOOL!, he must have tried to use the diary for something and It took over him…That would also explain why Wormtail never came back to inform me. The rat was probably considered a traitor and killed.' Harry concluded.

"How do you know all of that? Are you really Harry Potter?." Goyles eyes were wide open.

He then composed himself and looked at Harry with murderous eyes.

"No matter. You will die today, I don't care how you know those things"

Goyle pointed his wand towards Harry.

"Avada Kedavra " A green light shot out from Goyles's wand.

"Mr. Potter!" The hat tried to warn in a panic.

Harry could clearly hear the spell approaching, so He threw his body to one side and the curse hit the column behind him, making it explode.

Goyle threw a few more spells and Harry was able to dodge them all, even returning fire.

"You can't see…how are you…Oh, I understand... very clever Potter." Goyle smiled.

"Quietus" Goyle whispered.

Harry could only hear the fight between the basilisk and the phoenix going on far away into the chamber, but He was not able to hear Goyles moves anymore.

"Move!" The hat warned.

Suddenly he felt a wave of magic approaching from his right and tried to dodge but it was not fast enough and was grazed on the shoulder by a cutting curse.

'Is a good thing that the killing curse cannot be cast silently, or I would be in serious trouble.' Harry thought.

Now that Harry cannot see or hear his opponent, he decided to try something else.

"Lumos Solem Maxima!"

A bright white light came from Harry's wand and started to expand until it covered the entire chamber.

"Arg, my eyes!." Goyle was heard complaining.

Even the basilisk who was very far away was blinded momentarily by the light and hissed in pain.

Fawkes took the chance and went directly for the eyes.

They could hear the basilisk struggling for a moment before it gave a loud painful screech.

Goyle knew that something was wrong and opened his eyes with difficulty to see what happened.

"Noooo!, You stupid bird!." Goyle screamed when he saw what Fawkes had done.

"The basilisk has been blinded Mr. Potter, you can open your eyes." The hat said.

Harry did so, and he saw the basilisk wiggling around in pain. In one of those moments It managed to hit Fawkes, who seem to have been exhausted already and could not dodge in time.

The phoenix went flying quickly in an arc before colliding with the ground. Then It stood there, immobile.

Harry looked at Goyle and notice with difficulty that he was wearing a strange tiara. There was something preventing him from looking at it for long.

'That's a strong Notice me not charm. That must be what He is using to control Goyle. I could probably just destroy the tiara and freed him.'

Harry smiled softly, there is no way he was going to show kindness to anyone that gets in his way.

"Well, I think it is time for some payback…boy." Harry's gaze made Goyle freeze for a moment.

He flickered his wand. "Incendium."

Liquid fire shoot out like a bullet and Goyle barely had time to put some defenses before the spell hit him, but he was not able to protect his legs.

Goyle screamed in pain. He still could not see properly, and now his legs were almost useless. His face contorted in pure rage, he moved his wand and said.


A serpent made of dark red fire shot out of his wand and flew towards Harry.

He touched the floor with his wand and focused his magic.

A giant hand made of pure rock grabbed the fire serpent and held it in place, then started to crush it until the serpent dissipated in smoke.

When the job was done, the hand crumbled back to dust and Harry took a look at Goyle, who was lying on the ground, barely moving.

"Idiot…Even if you know advanced magic, you are still using the body of a second-year kid, and not even a talented one. Fiendfyre is one of the most magically exhausting spells in existence." Harry walked slowly towards Goyle.

Goyle manages to look back at Harry with difficulty.

"I i d-don't n-need your lessons" Goyle spat.

At that moment Harry noticed that the basilisk, who was now blinded, was moving around like crazy, colliding with walls and columns, breaking everything. And It was now getting very close to where Goyle was.

"Y-you…T-this is not over P-Potter." Goyle tried to look threatening.

Harry saw the basilisk tail descend towards Goyle.

"It is, for now, I believe." Harry said before Goyle was crushed by the basilisk. Blood splattered everywhere but his expression did not change a bit. Instead, he just raised a shield to protect himself from the splash of blood.

"Merlin!" the Hat exclaimed in surprise and disgust.

Harry went to check for a moment on Fawkes. The place where he had fallen was now occupied by a small mountain of ashes. From the ashes, a small head pop out and made a cry.

"Hmp, so You are fine after all," Harry muttered.

"Mr. Potter, the basilisk!" the Hat yelled.

"Yes I know, I'm taking care of It now." Harry answered exasperatedly.

"NO, not that!, It is escaping!" The Hat exclaimed.

Harry turned in time to see the tail of the basilisk disappear inside the hole behind Salazars statue.

"Sigh, now I have to chase the snake." Harry muttered and started to go after it. The phoenix can take care of itself.

"Wait, Mr.Potter. I have something to help you slay the basilisk." The Hat said.

A moment later Harry felt some hard hit him on the head.

"Arg!. What are you doing stupid Hat?" Harry said angrily.

"Check inside." The Hat said.

Harry lifted the Hat and grabbed what just came out of it and hit him in the head. It was a sword.

He examined the sword for a moment. When he saw the symbol on the hilt, He immediately knew what this was.

"This is…."

"Indeed!, This is the legendary sword of Godric Gryffindor!." The Hat revealed, sounding very excited.

Harry threw the sword to the floor and made a loud clang sound.

"I'm not using THAT." He said and started to walk again.

The Hat could not believe what he heard. "But…That is the legendary sw-"

"Yes, I know what it is! and I am not using anything from Gryfindor. So do not mention it again." Harry said dryly and kept going.

"Wait wait, at least…you are not just going to leave it there….right?" The Hat asked incredulously.