

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 57: Boggart

It was finally Susan's turn. She stepped forward and stood in front of the wardrobe.

"Alright Miss Bones, focus on the mental image of what you want it to transform into."

Susan nodded nervously and stared at the wardrobe with her wand in hand.

As soon as the creature came out, it started to transform into something very big. A giant serpent stood in front of Susan.

"Is that the basilisk?" Some student was heard from behind.

"Oh my gosh, was it that scary?" Another student said.

"Miss bones, focus! You can do it." Professor Lupin encouraged her.

Susan pointed her wand.


The giant serpent turned into a small snake apparently made of yarn.

"Well done Miss Bones." Lupin congratulates her.

"That's kind of cute, but I don't know if I can do this," Hannah said while looking at the tiny snake made of yarn moving around.

Lupin then called for her.

"Miss Abbott, your turn."

Hannah approached slowly and got in front of the wardrobe. Lupin gave her some advice and opened it.

The boggard floated in front of Hannah, It seem unsure of what shape to take, then went to the ground and started to take shape.

Everyone in the class gasped in horror and Hannah brought her hands to her mouth, tears started to form in her eyes.

The boggart has taken the shape of Susan Bones. She was on the floor, paled and with opened eyes, immobile… She was dead.

Professor Lupin quickly got in front of Hannah and the boggart started to change shape again but Lupin was faster and pushed It inside the wardrobe again.

He then looked at Hannah, who was now sobbing.

"There are some fears that are impossible to make fun I suppose." He turned towards Susan, who was now approaching.

"Miss Bones, take Miss Abbott outside to calm down. You are both excused from class."

Susan took Hannah by the shoulder and guide her outside the classroom.

Professor Lupin clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, those things happened sometimes. Let's continue."

Harry walked forward.

"Ah, Mister Potter. I believe it would be better if You do not perform this exercise." He noticed Harry's looks and continued. "We can speak after class."

Harry just shrugged and went to the other side of the class.


After the class was over, Professor Lupin asked Hary to stay for a moment.

"I suppose You are curious as to why I did not let you face the boggart."

Harry nodded.

"Well, I was afraid that the boggart would the form of You-know-who. I didn't want to take that risk and traumatize the entire class" Lupin said.

'Traumatized is a bit of a stretch. Should I be offended?' Harry wasn't sure what to think of that.

"I see." He supposes that makes some sense. It was probably for the best, you do not want your worst fears to become public knowledge.

"If that is all professor, I'll take my leave." This one was the last class for the day and Harry wanted to check on Hannah before dinner.

"Yes....oh Ha- Mister Potter, one more thing."

Harry turned to face the professor.

"If you ever want to talk about your parents, or…just talk about anything you want. You can come to me." The professor made a sad expression.

"I will keep it in mind Professor." Harry's answer came out sounding a bit cold. But that's how Harry usually talked to people that were not close to him. He had nothing personal against the man.

Professor Lupin lowered his head looking disappointed and muttered something.


Harry went directly to the inner gardens of Hogwarts. There was a group of benches in one of the corners of the garden where Susan, Hannah, and Luna liked to hang out.

He immediately spotted the two of them and approached.

Once He was close enough, Susan raised her head to look at him.

"Hi Harry, how did the rest of the class go?"

"Boring. How is she?" He asked, looking at Hannah.

Hannah raised her head and smiled softly.

"I'm fine Harry, thank you for asking. I was just a bit shocked, that's all." Hannah said.

They all sat down in silence for a few minutes before Susan asked.

"So Harry, what shape did the boggart take with you?."

"None. The Professor decided that it would be better if I did not face the boggart."

"Why would He do that?" Hannah asked.

"Was He worried It would take the shape of something too scary for the class?." Susan came to the conclusion.

"Yes, Voldemort," Harry answered invasive.

Hannah and Susan gasped at hearing the name.

"Harry!, do not say that name out loud!." Susan admonished.

Harry shrugged. "Is just a name, nothing to be scared of."

A part of him loved the fact that people were too scared to even mutter that name even twelve years after his demise.

"Well, if He thought that, then it makes sense. I would not want to see You-know-who either." Hannah said the last part almost whispering.

Harry found the situation kind of amusing.

'If only you knew.'