Hogsmeade under attack


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 67: Hogsmeade under attack

Harry was making his way to the secret passage leading to Hogsmead at a brisk pace.

"I'm coming too." Luna was running behind him.

Harry turned and looked at her.

"No, stay here. I'll be back soon." Harry said firmly.

"They are in danger right?. I'm not going to ask you for details, just tell me yes or no." Luna made a worried face.

"Yes. That's why I want You to stay here. I'll bring them back."

"I want to come too. I can defend myself, you know it!." Luna's expression was filled with determination.

Harry wanted to tell her that no matter how much potential she has, she is still a pup with zero experience in facing dangers.

But one look at her face told Him that She was not going to a no for an answer.

"Fine, but you stay close to me. Unless I tell you to run, then you run without asking any questions, understood?"

Luna could tell that Harry was being serious, so she nodded.



It was still fairly early in the morning. The shops had just opened. The workers were welcoming their first clients of the day.

Susan and Hannah were walking through the streets.

"The shop is this way. We are almost there, once we crossed that alley" Susan pointed out to a fairly grim-looking alley.

Hannah wanted to avoid going through there. But she wanted to get the shopping done quickly. Besides, it was daytime and there were plenty of people in Hogsmeade, which eased her worries a bit.

They both made their way into the alley. Susan started to walk even faster like she sensed that something was wrong.

They made a turn and could now see the light of the streets right ahead. Hannah felt a bit relieved and picked up the pace to leave the alley as soon as possible.

Once they were only about thirty feet away, Hannah saw a blue light rush past her and towards Susan.

Hannah did not have time to warn her friend. When the light hit Susan, this one fell to the floor with a thud sound.

"Susan!" Hannah panicked and wanted to run toward her friend. But then, she must have also gotten hit with something because the next thing she knew, everything went dark.

"We have two lost puppies." A thin, tall man wearing a dark cloak and a white mask said.

A big fat man approached Susan to pick her up.

"Hey, wait a minute. I know this one. This is Amelia Bones niece!."

The thin man smiled behind the mask.

"Then we have hit the jackpot, my friend. Because I heard that Harry Potter was very close friends with that particular girl."

The fat man chuckled.

"Oh, we can use this. I am going to make that bastard PAY. Give the signal!"

The thin man pointed his wand in the sky.


Green light erupted from his wand and traveled to the sky where it seem to explode, creating a lot of noise and leaving a very familiar mark in the sky for all to see. A green skull with a snake coming out of its mouth, a dark mark.


Everyone in Hogsmeade heard the loud noise and looked up. Screams were heard all over the place. Most adults recognized that mark immediately.

"Is the dark mark!"

"Is not possible!, He is dead!"


People started to panic and tried to run away.

"I cannot apparate!"

"My portkey is not working!"

"Shit, they put an anti-apparition ward. We need to call the Aurors."

A shopkeeper came out of his shop and yelled.

"They blocked the floo. We cannot call anyone!"

Then they saw them.

At least a dozen masked men wearing black robes were running towards the crew of people with their wands out.

"CRUCIO" one of them yelled and a middle age woman dropped to the ground and started screaming.

If that was not bad enough, some of them realized that everything was getting darker, like the sun was already setting for the night.

The first one to look up lost all of the colors on his face and his expression was contorted in horror.

"D-Dementors!" He yelled while pointing at the sky.

There were hundreds of dementors flying above Hogsmeade.


Harry and Luna came out running out of Zonkos basements and immediately noticed that the shop was empty, and it was also, unusually dark outside.

Harry didn't even need to look outside to know the cause of this, and by the look on Luna's face, neither did she.

"The last spell that I taught you. Can You use it?" Harry asked.

Luna nodded. "Yes, I managed to cast it last week."

"Good, You may need it. Let's go"

They both stepped foot outside the shop and could see and hear the chaos that was plaguing Hogsmeade.

There were people running, screaming, or trying to hide all over the place.

He also spotted several people wearing the old death eater garbs.

Harry looked up and saw dementors starting to descend and the Dark Mark, decorating the now dark sky.