Plans for the summer


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 72: Plans for the summer

Room of requirements

It was late at night when Luna woke up. The first thing She noticed was being in a strange bed.

She looked around the dimly lighted room and she noticed that Harry was lying down on the other side of the bed.

Lunas checks gained a pinkish color as she wonders about what happened. She was tempted for a moment to wake Harry up but he seemed completely exhausted.

The room looked different what she was used to, but she quickly recognize that this was the Room of Requirements. She pulled out her wand.

"Tempus" Luna whispered softly and the spell showed her that it was almost midnight.

'There is no point in going around the halls at this hour. I'll have to wait until the morning.'

She looked at the sleeping figure of Harry and gave a mischievous smile.


Harry opened his eyes and grunted in pain the moment He tried to move. His whole body ached.

'I almost exhausted all of my magic. I didn't think that was even possible at this point.'

When He made another attempt to stand up, He noticed something preventing him to rise.

When He looked to the side, He saw the culprit. Luna had somehow ended up with her arms wrapped around his waist.

Harry was a bit confused by this. He remembers putting her on the other side of the bed, which was big enough for four people.

'Did she woke up during the night?.'

"Tempus" Harry whispered. The spell showed that it was early in the morning, there was more than an hour before breakfast time.

He gently shook Luna to wake her up.

"Luna, wake up." He said gently

She opened her eyes and looked at Harry.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Come on, we need to get moving. If we are lucky, no one noticed our absence with all the mess from yesterday." Harry said.

"Susan and Hannah... are they ok?. I don't remember what happened after using my third Patronus." Luna asked with concern.

"They are fine. The dementors never touched them. We can go see them after freshening up." Harry stood up from the bed and started to check his looks before walking through the halls.

His clothes were a bit dirty but other than that, no one would suspect He has been involved in a battle with monsters.

Luna opened her eyes at the realization. "Oh, that's right. What happened to the dementors?"

Harry looked pensive for a moment.

"I'm not sure…"

Luna was surprised. "What do you mean? what happened?"

"Remember that book you gave about old druid magic?." Harry asked.

Luna nodded and Harry continued.

"Well, it contained a few Formations. The one I used was supposed to be used to banish evil spirits. I made some modifications and combined it with one of my own original spells."

Harry extended his hand and a white chain appeared for a moment before disappearing again. He didn't want to push his magic while recovering.

"I was never able to use the Patronus, so I created this. Is not fueled by positive emotions or happy memories, but instead is raw magic, tunned to simulate the Patronus effect."

Luna was baffled. She knew that Harry was a genius, but to create new spells at his age is unbelievable. She then seems to recall something.

"Wait, you used a formation by yourself? Those are meant to be used by full groups of druids! You could have died." Luna was horrified at the thought.

Harry chuckled. "Don't forget who I am."

Luna chuckled too at the ridiculous statement.

"But let's keep this between us, ok?"

Luna nodded and they left the room.


They both left for their Houserooms to bathe and change clothes before going to the infirmary to check if Susan and Hannah were there.

Turned out that no one even noticed their absence with all the chaos. The fact that both Harry and Luna barely interact with their housemates also helped.

Once they entered the infirmary, they were greeted by Madame Pomfrey, who looked very tired.

She looked at Harry and already knew what He was doing here.

"The beds at the end. You can tell those two that they are free to leave whenever they feel rested enough."

Harry nodded and went on with Luna at his side.

"Luna, Harry!" Susan and Hannah greeted them. They were both seated in the same bed, chatting.

"How are the two of you feeling?" Luna asked.

"I should be the one asking, Luna. I was so worried!" Susan said.

Luna gave a weary smile. "Sorry."

"Well, I'm glad everyone is fine!" Hannah said happily.

"Pomfrey says that you are free to go whenever you want," Harry said.

"Great!. I want a bath, soo badly." Susan raised her hands in the air in celebration. She then turned to Harry with a more serious expression.

She made a gesture for Harry to get closer, and He did.

"My aunt and Dumbledore were making us questions yesterday. We told them that a mysterious dark robbed wizard was the one that save us." Susan whispered.

Harry smiled. "Thanks."

'It seems that I will not have to deal with old man inquiries for now.' He thought.


Harry and Luna waited for Susan and Hannah to get ready before going to have breakfast. It was a bit late by the time they arrived and there was almost no people at the great hall.

But it didn't matter. They were already done with exams and they will be leaving for home in less than a week.

After eating their breakfast, Susan approached Harry.


He noticed that Susan seem to be hesitant about asking something, so He waited for her to talk.

Once she made up her mind, Susan looked at Harry's eyes with determination.

"You are the one that taught Luna the Patronus right?."

Harry nodded, there was no point in hiding that from them.

"Can you teach me too? Not just the Patronus, but…I…"

"You don't want to feel defenseless again." Harry didn't need to use legitimacy to read her thoughts at this point.

"Yes." Susan lowered her head. "I hate that feeling. First with the basilisk and now with those men. I want to be strong like my aunt Amelia."

"I was planning on giving Luna some classes during the summer at my house. You and Hannah are welcome to join." Harry said.

"During the summer? But we can't do magic outside Hogwarts."

Harry smiled. "We can, at my house, but keep that a secret. I don't think your aunt would like that."