The House of Black


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 74: The house of Black

The next morning, Harry and Sirius were having breakfast when Lorry appeared, carrying something in his hands.

"Master, an owl left this for you."

Lorry placed the copy of the Dialy Prophet on the table.

After giving the front page a look, Harry made a surprised expression.

"Oh…I should have seen that one coming."

Sirius lifted his face from his eggs and bacon to look at Harry.

"Something interesting?."

Harry passed the paper to Sirius. When this one looked at the front page, He made the same surprised expression that Harry did.

The page read. 'Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, removed from his position by the Wizengamot.'

The article proceeded to explain that the main motive for his removal was the mishandling of the dementors at Hogwarts that ended up costing the lives of six people, two of them being students.

Sirius put the paper down.

"He should never have brought those monsters to a school! He deserves to be fired" Sirius spat.

"Yes, well…I do wonder who the new Minister is going to be." Harry calmly said.


They apparated in front of an old house. Sirius was using his new wand that Lorry had acquired from Knockturn Alley.

Harry examined the house. Aside from the black walls, the house was very nondescript. It looked like the rest of the houses in the neighborhood but Harry had the feeling that the looks of the house had been altered with magic to not stand out.

He could also feel the strong ancient wards. Sirius looked at Him with a complicated expression.

"Well, come on, let's get this over with. Don't worry about the wards. I already asked Kreacher to add your name in."

Once inside, Harry started to look around.

"Welcome to Grimmauld place, home sweet home." Sirius had a bitter tone in his voice.

An old elf appeared in front of them.

"The unworthy Master has brought a filthy half-blood to the house of Black." The elf said with an angry face.

"Shut up Kreacher!. Go do something useful and leave us be." Sirius yelled at the elf and this one just gave one last nasty glare and disappeared with a pop.

"Ignore him. That elf follows the old family values a bit too much." Sirius said.

Harry already started to look around. His last Horcrux must be in this house, but it will be hard to find.

"If you need anything, I will be in my old room on the second floor. Maybe I can find my leather jacket from my Hogwart years." Sirius smiled a bit and went upstairs.

Harry kept walking around the house until He found the library. He was positively impressed. This library must contain at least a thousand tomes, and those books were rare, some of them were probably only found in this library.

"Wonderfull. I'll take my time with this, later." He muttered.

He used his senses to make sure that Sirus was far enough.

"Kreacher, answer my call"

Nothing happened.

"As a guest of the House of Black and you are compelled to answer my call. Kreacher"

A few seconds later, the elf popped in front of Harry.

"Filthy half-blood dares to call Kreacher!"

Harry looked at the elf with interest. It's been a long time since He has seen it, and the elf now looks to be near the end of his lifetime.

'Instead of walking around the house and looking everywhere, this has to be faster. He must know where it is.'

He pointed his finger at Kreacher and before this one could do anything, the elf was stunned.

Harry took out his wand and concentrated.

"legilimency" He whispered.

Elves have natural protection against mind attacks. Even for a master in legilimency, it would be incredibly difficult to access their minds.

Harry started to rifle through the elf's memories until He found what He was looking for. The conversation between him and Regulus Black about the Horcrux.

"Kreacher, I need to hide this and keep it safe." Regulus gave the Slytherin locket to the elf.

"I have been researching how to destroy it and I think I have found the solution. I need to make a trip to Knockturn Alley. If something happens to me, Kreacher. I will leave the job of destroying it to you, my friend."

"Must Master go? Maybe Kreacher can do it instead."

"No, is too dangerous. Unlike you, I can use magic to hide my identity. I'll be right back, I promise." Regulus smiled at his elf and left.

Kreacher waited and waited for Regulus' return, but He never did. Eventually, the elf decided to keep his promise and find a way to destroy the locket.

He tried everything He could think of, but even his most powerful elf magic could not put a scratch on the locket.

In the end, the only thing that the elf could do was to hide it away. In a secret compartment, inside the grandfather clock located in the main living room.

Harry pulled out from Kreacher's mind and smiled.


The elf was left laying on the floor of the library. He will not remember the last few minute when He wakes up.


Harry found the clock, opened the secret compartment near the bottom, and… there it was, the Slytherin locked.

'There is no point in postponing this. I better do it while the elf still sleeps.'

He closed the door of the living room and placed a silencing charm.

Then placed the locket on top of a silver plate. He carefully took out the small vial, containing the basilisk venom from his wallet and opened it.

Once He got close to the locket while carrying the venom, the Horcrux must have felt the danger, because it decided to start speaking into his mind.

It just said the same things as the others, offers of power and riches. Harry just ignored the nonsense and let two drops of the venom fall on top of the locket.

It was a good thing He decided to place a silencing charm because the dying scream of this one was the loudest of them all.

"Well…the only thing left now is that little fragment who now carries my old name."

Harry looked at the destroyed Horcrux with indifference and decided to return it to its previous hiding spot before leaving.

"Let's take a look at that library."