Under attack


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 80: Attack on the finals

"Stay close to me!" Amelia yelled at the girls before turning to Tonks.

"Tonks, get the portkey ready!. Moody guard the perimeter"

Harry calmly walked outside the tent to see the chaos that reined over the area.

People screaming and running all over the place. In the distance He spotted a few masked men levitating some people and pointing at them, they seem to be laughing.

"Potter!, stay close to me. And get your wand out." Moody said in a hurried voice while his eyes were scanning the surroundings nonstop.

A couple of masked men came running towards them with their wands out.

One of the men laughed. "What do we have here?, an old cripple and a boy. Oh, this is going to be fun."

"Wait…that old man seems familiar," The other man said.

Their voices sounded very young, and by the way, they were moving, they seem to be very drunk.

The first man pointed his wand at Moddy but didn't have time to even begin firing his spell when he was hit by a combination of stunners, silencers, and restraining spells, all done silently.


'It seems like Moody hasn't lost his touch.' Harry thought.

The other masked man was taken aback by how quickly his partner was defeated.

"W-wait, I know you!. You are Mad-Eye Moody!" He said, his voice filled with fear.

"That's right boy, now drop your wand and get to your knees."

The masked man quickly obeyed and was promptly stunned and restrained.

'Pathetic…are those his new recruits?' Harry made a disgusted expression, looking at the two masked men on the ground.

Amelia came out of the tent, she gave the two masked men a glance before turning to Moody.

"Reinforcements are coming, they'll be here in less than five minutes." She said.

"If the rest of them are like those two. " Moody said while pointing at the downed men. "There is no need for reinforcements. They are nothing but drunken idiots."

Tonks left the tent.

"The portkey is ready Miss Bones. Should I -"

A loud bang noise was heard and the sky turned green all of the sudden and they all looked up.

"Get the kids out of here, NOW!" Amelia said with worry in her voice.

Tonks indicated the girls to come out.

"Grab the portkey, quick!" She said before turning to Harry. "You too Harry, come on"

Harry did as told. He had no interest in fighting some drunken newbies.

They all grabbed the portkey and disappeared, leaving Amelia and Moody looking at the Dark Mark, shining its green light over the sky.


The next day, Malfoy Manor

"Care to explain?" Voldemort threw a copy of the Dialy Prophet at Antonin Dolohov.

Dolohov's face was extremely pale, it was half fear and half hangover from the previous night.

"Well…Jugson and I took some of the new recruits to the Quidditch finals. We got a bit drunk and someone started talking about how 'we should teach these traitors a lesson. You know…just scare them a bit, make them remember us."

"And…You all thought that was a good idea, while I remember specifically saying to lay low and don't cause trouble until we are READY!" Voldemort's face was getting red.

Dolohov trembled. "Wel…it seemed like a good idea at the time"

"CRUCIO!" Voldemort yelled while pointing his wand at Dolohov.

The man screamed and wriggled on the floor. The torture was held for over a minute.

Voldemort saw that He was breathing and didn't bother with him anymore, instead, He turned to Jugson.

"You mentioned before that you found someone that I would be interested in meeting."

"Y-yes My Lord. He is the one that cast the Dark Mark." Jugson turned to look at the door. "Come in!"

The door opened and a thin man with dark hair walked in. He swiftly moved in front of Voldemort and kneeled.

"My Lord!. Your loyal servant returns to your side."

Voldemort examined the man for a moment and making full use of Lucius' memories, He managed to remember who this man was.

"Barty Crouch junior…You were declared as dead." Voldemort said, trying to hide his surprise.

Bartys face contorted in anger.

"My fathers doing, My Lord. He faked my death and kept me locked up at home all those years. I finally found a chance to escape after convincing him to let me attend the Quidditch game."

"I see." Voldemort stood silent for a moment thinking about something.

"Is your father still the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation?"

Barty was surprised by the question but answered non the less.

"He is, My Lord."

"Then I am going to have a very important mission for You, Barty."

Barty smiled. "Anything you wish, My Lord!"

Voldemort turned to look at Jugson.

"Now, Jugson. Steep forward, we have one last unfinished business."

He did as was told. "My Lord?" He looked confused for a second before seeing Voldemort point the wand at him.