Fight for your life


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 97: Fight for your life

Hogwarts, seventh floor

Hannah, Susan, and Luna had their wands in hand and were backing away from Fernir Greyback slowly when they hear more voices coming from behind them.

"Oh, look what the wolf found, three lost puppies." Rodolphus Lestrange said with a mocking tone.

The girls turned around to see five people landing on the floor and storing their brooms.

"What should we do with them?" Bellatrix asked.

"Do we have time for some fun?" Rabastan Lestrange asked while licking his lips.

"Don't be a fool! of course, we don't have the time!. Let's just kill them and move on." Rodolphus scolded his brother.

"What?. The Lord didn't say anything about killing children!. We just need to disable the wards!". The old man called Dewy Mandrake said, looking disgusted with his companions.

"Tsk, what a useless old man." Dolohov pointed his wand at the old man's head and before anyone could stop him, He shot a yellow-looking curse at the old man.

Dewy covered his face with his hands and gave a blood-curdling scream before falling to the floor…dead.

"Why did you do that for?" Rodolphus yelled.

"He was annoying me!, and besides, we don't need Him anymore, we are already inside." Dolohov shrugged.

"Did you forget that our mission is to disable the wards?, maybe a curse breaker would have been useful for that," Rabastan said.

Dolohov made a surprised expression that indicated that He clearly didn't think of that.

"Forget it! what's done is done. Let's deal with this." Rodolphus said angrily.

The three girls were clutching their wands, prepared to defend themself. Luna did not take her eyes off Fernir, who was looking at her like she was mere prey.

Bellatrix was watching the procedures from the back of the group, Dolohov, Rabastan and Rodolphus were intensely looking at the three girls, while Fernir was doing the same on the other side.

"Avada Kedavra"

They all heard the words and tensed up. The girls were waiting for the green light to travel towards them and hoped they could dodge it.

All of the sudden, Rodolphus Lestrange falls to the floor. Everyone's gaze turned to the fallen, and obviously dead man.

"Ops, my wand slipped," Bella said with a grin.

"Bella, what is the meaning of this?" Dolohov asked with an angry scowl.

"You traitorous whore!" Rabastan yelled while pointing his wand towards her.

"The Lord was right!, You betrayed us all!."

Rabastan started attacking Bella while Dolohov turned his attention to the three girls.

"Fernir, let's end this quickly and help Rabastan." Dolohov said and Fernir noded.

"Depulso!'' A strong wave of energy came from Luna's wand and impacted Fernir, taking him by surprise and sending him further into the hall until He crashed against a couple of metal suits of armor.

"I'll take care of that one," Luna said before moving toward him.

Hannah and Susan nodded and pointed their wands at Dolohov.

Dolohov smiled, not worried in the least about the girls, after all, He was a world-class duelist. The only thing that worried him, was ending this quick and helping Rabastan since Dolohov knew that He was no match for Bella.

"Let's get this over with."

With a swift movement of his wand. Dolohov threw several silent spells at Hannah. A combination of disabling and stunning spells.

"Protego!" Hannah raised a shield that protected her from the spells, however, the force of the spells was too much and crushed the shield, sending her flying back.

Susan wanted to check on Hannah, but she knew that it would very stupid to take her eyes off her opponent.

"Diffindo" She directed her spell to Dolohov's legs, but He managed to smoothly dodge it.

Dolohov responded by throwing another combination of spells at Susan, who decided that it was a better idea to dodge then rather than try to use a shield and end up as Hannah.

Susan threw herself to one side and avoided most of the spells, but a conjured rope created by the 'incarcerous' charm managed to tangle her lower legs and made her fall to the floor.

"Argg." Susan landed badly against the stone floor and lost her wand in the process.

Dolohov already had his wand pointed at her to finish her off when a blue light came from one side and hit him on the shoulder, creating a deep cut.

Dolohov grunted in pain and looked in the direction that spell came from. Meanwhile, Susan was using the opportunity to free her legs from the rope.

"Diffindo!" Another blue light rushed towards Dolohov, but this time, He was ready and deflected it with his wand.

"You are going to pay for that, bitch." Dolohov was looking extremly mad.

He pointed his wand to Hannah's feet and muttered some words, but nothing seem to happen immediately.

"Hannah move!" Susan said in a panic. She had the feeling that whatever Dolohov did, was affecting the ground below Hannah.

Hannah did as told but before she could move out of the way, the rock tiles started to move, making her lose her balance and fall down.

Susan had managed to disentangle herself and started to run as fast as she could.

Dolohov made a slashing motion with his wand and a purple flame came rushing toward Hannah.

She had just started to prop herself up, saw the flame approaching but did not have time to move.

'Is this it…?' Were Hannahs's last thoughts.

Then something obscured her vision and hear a loud scream.

She realized then that it was Susan, who got in the way of the curse and was now on the ground, bleeding.

"Susan!" Hannah yelled.

"Tsk, how annoying... just die already." Dolohov observed that Susan was hit on her right shoulder, so She would not die quick enough.

"Let's go with a classic then." Dolohov pointed his wand at Susan. "Avada K-"

"ACCIO!" Susan, who was still on the floor, bleeding profusely, had managed to extend her left hand at Dolohov. She focused all of the magic she had at her disposal and used the wandless summoning charm on Dolohov's wand.

What happened next, took the dueling veteran by surprise. Before He could finish his curse, his hand started to twist rapidly in a 360-degree motion until his bones completely shattered.

He made an anguished scream as his hand twisted and broke, and his wand fell down.

He clutched his broken hand and looked at Susan with an expression of pure rage.

"I'm going to make you and your little friend suffer for that."

"Nah, I don't think so." A female voice was heard from behind Dolohov.

Red light impacted Dolohov in the back and this one started to scream again, even harder than before, and grabbed at his chest.

After a few seconds of agonizing pain, He stopped moving.

Bella looked at the two girls.

"In case you were wondering, that was a blood-boiling curse." She said with a smile.

They all then heard a very loud and animalistic growl.

Hannah gasped.



Luna was intensely looking at the fallen set of armor that was still covering the body of Fernir. She then hears the armors start to make noise as well as a very loud growl, like the one made by a wild beast.

"Uh oh." Luna used her gift to take a closer look at her opponent, and then she saw something very familiar in Fernir.

"A black mark, that can't be good" He had a similar black spot inside his magical core as the one in Professor Lupin.

After the professor left Hogwarts, there were some strange rumors about Him being a werewolf.

The armors came flying out as the figure of the transformed Fernir emerged, now looking like a very big and fierce werewolf.

"Well…I guess the rumors were right." Luna was now thinking about how to fight a werewolf.

'They are allergic to silver. If it was Harry, He would probably conjure a giant silver sword and cut him in half or something. Unfortunately, I don't even know how to conjure a silver knife.' While Luna was thinking, Ferninr started to charge at her while his growling got louder.

"Celeritas Meliorem" Luna grunted at the pain after using that magic. Harry had told her to only use it in situations of life or death.

Fernir pounced at her and tried to take a bite, but Luna managed to move away at inhuman speed.

"Incarcerous" Ropes came from her wand and wrapped themselves around Fernir.

The beast screamed and used all of his might to break the ropes apart.

'Fine, no more ropes…' Luna wondered what to do next.

Luna pointed her wand down and cast a slippery jinx at the floor tiles before moving away.

Fernir gave chase, and in his current state of mind didn't even notice Luna casting the jinx. When he stepped over the slippery tiles, He went rushing to one side of the hall and ended up crushing again the wall, breaking it, and falling inside an abandoned classroom.

'What to do, what to do…Come on, think Luna.' Her repertoire of spells was very limited.

'There must be something I can use.'

Luna looked down at the mess made by the slippery jinx that caused Fernir to crash against the wall…her eyes then opened wide when an idea came to mind.

'That might work.'

She prepared herself and went into position.

As soon as the enraged Fernir came from the classroom, Luna aimed her wand. Fernir growled and started to charge.

She let him get a bit close to secure her shot.

"Conjuntivitis" Her aim was true and hit him in the eyes, then moved out of the way with her increased speed and ran towards one of the big windows that covered the halls of the seventh floor.

Fernir had his eyes closed and was grunting in pain and feral anger.

"Here, wolfy!. Come get me." Luna taunted.

Fernir used the sound of her voice and her smell to sense her position and started charging again, even faster than before.

Luna's muscles were trembling from the overuse of the enhancement charm, but she ignored the pain.

'It will be over soon.'

When Fernir got close, she pushed her body to its limit and moved away, positioning herself at one side of Fernir, while He was right in front of the big window.

Fernir, noticing her movement, made an attempt to stop and change directions.

But then Luna attacked again.

"Engorgio." A simple second-year charm that can increase the size of an object. And the object that Luna chose was a small piece of debris right behind Fernir. One of the many pieces that were scattered around as a result of Fernir crashing against the wall.

The stone raised rapidly in size and pushed Fernir against the window with great force.

The werewolf grunted as he was pushed out of the window but with his enhanced reflexes He managed to dig his nails against the sides of the window, preventing his fall.

"DEPULSO!" Luna poured most of his remaining power into that spell. The force that came out of her wand was powerful enough to not only push Fernir, but the entire window frame and part of the wall.

As the werewolf started falling from the seventh floor of the castle, along with the pieces of loose stone that follow him, He made an extremely loud animalistic growl.

Luna was left panting for breath, but she could not rest yet.

'I need to go and help Susan and Hannah.'

She started making her way as fast as she could. As soon as she turned the corner, She saw Bellatrix Lestrange looking at Hannah, then she spotted Susan on the floor, surrounded by blood.

"Susan!" Luna yelled and hurried over, but not taking her eyes off Bellatrix.

Bella looked at the approaching Luna.

"Calm down, kitten. I'm here to make sure you girls don't die."

"Please…" Hannah hesitated, but then looked at Susan. "If you are not an enemy, can you help us?. My friend is badly hurt."

"Yes, I saw it happened. Dolohov curse…I may be able to help with that."

"Don't try anything funny. I don't trust you." Luna clutched at her wand while looking at Bella.

Bella chuckled. "And You shouldn't. Now let's see."

She approached Susan, who was barely conscious, and pointed her wand at her shoulder.

Hannah tensed up at this but didn't intervene, instead went back to look at Susan with worry.

Bellas's expression was very serious while examining the wound left by Dolohov.

"You are a lucky girl. A bit more to one side and there would be no saving you."

"That means…" Hannah said hopefully.

"Yes, I can save her. I will remove the curse and apply some first aid, then just take her to the infirmary."

Bella started to chant a spell and the cut on Susan's shoulders started to lose its purple color, turning into a normal deep cut.

She then used a basic healing charm to close the wound and stop the bleeding.

"I'm not as good as my sister, but that will do for now." She then made another wand movement. "Mobilicorus."

Susan's body was lifted a few feet in the air.

"You can take it from here."

"Thank you!"Hannah said before turning to Susan started to move her.

"Go ahead, I'll go get Susan's wand," Luna said.

While Hannah left with Susan, Luna went and picked her wand, then She looked at Bella.

"Is there something you want to ask, kitten?" Bella said.

"You are one of them, why help us?" Luna asked.

Bella smiled. "Someone convinced me that I was fighting for the losing side. And also promised me a reward if I kept the three of you safe. I will say no more. You are going to have to ask Him."

"Harry…" Luna said. There was no one else that came to mind.

Bella shrugged. "Go on. Your friends need you. I'll clean this mess."

Luna looked at the dead bodies around her and shuddered. She then turned around and left.

"Well…I did my part." Bella then looked outside the window at the yellow light created by the wards. "The rest is up to You, My Lord."