

Caught off guard, Chu Feng started screaming and howling due to the extreme and severe pain he's experiencing coming from his head, or to be precise inside his brain and consciousness. 

Fortunately for him though, that the sound isolation system of his room is so good that even if a bomb were to explode in it, as long as there would be no cracks and no signs of destruction on its walls, doors, windows, etc. no one will be able to hear a thing at all.

In terms of privacy, this isolation system is indeed good, extremely so, in fact the word good could even be considered an understatement of how useful it was!

Unfortunately for him though, because of how good the isolation system is, no one would be able to hear a single thing about what's happening inside his room, nor would they be able to respond and help him.

Even if someone could manage to respond, they wouldn't be able help him in his current predicament, after all, the source of pain were his consciousness itself, they would only be able to help him if they manage to cut off his relationship with his consciousness which will at the very least cause to make him an idiot, and at the worst could even go as far as him falling into vegetative state or even death!  

So… only his powerless self could help him. Or well, let nature take its course…

Such as what's happening to him now-

Even though he tried his best to grit his teeth and endure the pain as much as possible, he still couldn't do it. After all, how could his weak and powerless self who was just trying to adjust himself towards his surroundings a few minutes ago bear it?

So, after a few tens of seconds of trying to bear it, his sight started to darken and his consciousness started to fall into slumber too…

 In the end… he still couldn't bear it and lost consciousness…


A few hours later…

Chu Feng woke up drowsily and slightly dizzy.

"Ugh... what happened?"



As Chu Feng slowly came to himself and finding himself lying on the floor. He grit his teeth in shame and tried to slowly get up.

When he got up, he think of all the bullsh*ts about the World Welcoming him for his Rise, and the likes, thinking of this, his face immediately blushed even more red in shame!

If anyone who knows him were to see him right now, their hearts would immediately tremble, because this young master who was usually indifferent to anything and usually cold to others actually looked so cute and lovable with his face blushing red as well as those imaginary smoke coming out of his head!

And he's also….-


Reader: Wait! Wait! Wait!!!! We're getting further and further away from the topic at hand!

Shameless Author: Why didn't you remind me?! I still have a few hundred words to add!

Reader: Excuse me?! What did you just say?!

Shameless Author: I said I still have a hundre-

Reader: What? 

Shameless Author: I still hav-

Reader: What?!

Shameless Author: I-

Reader: What is it? Complete it!

Shameless Author: 


….Godf*cking d*mnit! I'm gonna continue it already, alright?! Are you satisfied now?!



Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!


Anyway, due to the insistence of a certain reader as well as to prevent my inner demons from consuming me and end up choking a certain someone to death in anger! Let's continue where we left off…

As Chu Feng was blushing red in shame, he suddenly thought of something-

"Why am I lying on the floor...?"

Then as if someone was listening to him, his brain immediately flashed back recollections of what happened before he lost consciousness…



Out of instinctive reaction towards the pain he experienced, his body unconsciously moved backwards, unfortunately, he bumped on the feet of his bed, causing him to fall towards the floor yet again!

Thinking of that experience once again, he suddenly broke out a cold sweat… causing his body to unconsciously tremble…

While thinking of that experience, he suddenly remembered the main reason of that pain-

The previous 18 years' memory of his predecessor!

Yep, that's right!

His predecessor!!

He didn't get picked up by any female CEO! Or any of that bullsh*t he's thinking earlier!! Thinking of his bullsh*ts, he once again blushed red because of shame!

"Damn it Chu Feng! What are you?! An 8th-Grader?! Or even worse?! You seriously think about getting yourself picked up, not only by a female CEO, but it must be the kind that's cold to others, and beautiful,huh? With your bad luck, even when the world ends it won't happen!"


Anyway, he keeps on cursing himself for a few minutes without any rest…


MC: @$#$@/@$#$@$--...

Shameless Author: Hmm.., well let him vent his shame to others for a bit… Let's give him some more time... 


MC: /#$#/#$@$#@$@#$@$#@$@--...

Shameless Author:


 ….Hmm, a bit more time…


MC: $@#$$#--

Shameless Author: Enough! Shut Up already! We're more than halfway through the chapter already! And we still haven't introduced a single thing about your fre*aking predecessor!


MC: But it's your fault for making me think about getting picked up by-

Shameless Author: Hmm… this guy, Lin Feng, seems to be a quite good MC material, huh? Why don't I-

MC: Let's introduce my predecessor already! The readers will kill both of us if we still dawdle!!



Getting out of the predicament of getting changed with someone else, let's continue...


His predecessor's name is also Chu Feng, the same as himself, the only difference was, his predecessor was 2 years younger than he was!

Aside from that, there was also the fact that his predecessor ain't an orphan like himself, rather his predecessor was the eldest young master and only heir of Chu Royal Family of NightSky City on West, one of the 5 well-known Royalty Families of Celestial Dragon Continent 

Alongside with the;

Su Royalty Family of Sunshine City on East,

Bai Royalty Family of RedRiver City on North,

Qin Royalty Family of the Golden City the Continental Capital,


Huang Royalty Family of MeadowHill City on the South.

His predecessor, Chu Feng, had always been smart since young. He's a well-known Scholar throughout not only the 12 Districts of the NightSky City, but also by the other Districts of the other 4 Cities.

Aside from that, the fact that he's also extremely doted upon by his 2 Grandpas, namely, Chu Wangli, from Paternal Side, and Liu Wan, from Maternal Side, and also his 2 Grandmas, Xu Xiemei, from Paternal Side, and  Li Haoran, from maternal side, and last but not the least, his parents, Chu Xiaofeng, his father, and Liu Rumei, his mother. 


Shameless Author: You must be jealous, huh?

Chu Feng: Yea i am jeal-

Shameless Author: Well, that's understandable as I am jealous too…

Chu Feng: 


Really?! You got that right! As my writer, I knew you understand me the best, so why don't yo-

Shameless Author: Unfortunately though, you could only bear with it, adapt, and use it to the fullest!

Chu Feng: I-

Shameless Author: I believe in you! I know you can do it! Goodluck!

Chu Feng: 



Well, just in case I forgot to mention it… each and every single being I mentioned are all Emperor Stage beings! 

Emperor Stage being were the peak stage known throughout human civilization.

Just so you know, 1 Emperor Stage beings are more than enough to rule an entire City! Let alone that there were actually more than just a few multiple Emperor beings in 1 City, doting on 1 unawakened mortal! If it were any other place it might be shocking enough… 

But here in this turbulent world where strength decides who's the king?


Not to mention, Chu Royalty Family, even the other 4 Royalty Families of Celestial Dragon Continent all each have more than just 1 or 2 Emperor Stage beings!

And yep, I know, you readers, must be wondering as to how he, the MC, a mere mortal of a Mortal World managed to enter and control the body of a being doted upon by such powerful figures…


MC: Well, I don't know either! Why don't you ask that shameless author, not me?

Shameless Author: What?

MC: Ahem! Nothing. So why not tell our dear readers how?

Shameless Author: It will be discussed soon in the next few chapters! Look forward to it! 


"So… my predecessor not only has a complete family, but is also being doted upon by everyone, huh?" Chu Feng thought.

In this regard,  he's quite sad because, not only did he not have any blood relatives by his side when he grew up, he didn't even know their names or what they look like at all. 

After all, no matter how old or successfull someone becomes, they will still yearn for their parents, right? Not to mention orphans, who lost their parents for too long of a time.

So, rather than being jealous of the predecessor's wealth... He's more jealous of the fact that the predecessor were actually being doted upon by a lot of people since young...

On this point, you could see that he's not someone who pursues money, after all, the previous him was a Scholar in his own right!

With his grades, he could've entered well known Universities, but he did not and instead chose one of the few low rated Universities. 

And it's also because of this peculiarity of his that, despite his looks, charisma, and intelligence, he still haven't been in a relationship even once, and still single in his 20s.

The appearance of the past life of our MC, does after all, have high value enough for him to be able to live the rest of his life in all kinds of luxuries the World has to offer, just by being a little fresh-meat of Entertainment Industry!


Well, that's just how life is…

Anyway, that's it for the predecessor's basic background…

And, Oh! By the way, before I forgot, this world were actually called….-


Shameless Author: Look! Look at that! Scholar! He's a fre*king Scholar, but he refused those well known Universities which is basically equivalent to rejecting high paying jobs!! And he still has the guts to complain about his 4,800RMB per month paying job! Does he know anything about SHAME?!

MC: This Shameless thing just interrupted me while I am in the middle of explaining the World Background so blame him that you would only be able to know about this World on the next Chapter! Not me.

Readers: Boooooo!!!

Shameless Author:


" cruel…"


Chapter End.