Chapter 2 _ " Samuel your highness "

The night went on with nobles and princes introducing themselves and striking up a conversation to get my attention.

Only halfway through the banquet I already felt languid, I sat down to rest a little, and as soon as I did I saw a man approach me, I furrowed my brows pissed ' can't I just have some time to myself ' I growled inwardly and cursed under my breath.

" My lady lord Alfonso Barrett at your service " he bowed placing his right hand on his chest and introducing himself. " But my lady can call me Alfonso if she wishes. " he winked and I felt slightly irritated by his gesture, he was being a little flirty.

This man was at least thrice my age and must be age mates with the king my father, he was a man with golden blonde hair with shades of Gray and dark brown eyes and a mustache right below his nose that was properly shaved " aeh, I see you don't seem to know me" he grinned as he continued " I am Duke Alphonso Barrett grand Duke of clan Douglas. "

Oh so he was a Duke, so what? I don't care, I'm already tired as it is and all I wanted was for him to stop bothering me as I was visibly tired, by the way, how does he expect me to know him I wasn't even interested in politics as if I even cared but I faked a smile and replied. " oh good evening Duke Alfonso, a pleasure meeting you. " sounding interested in what he had to say.

" I want to introduce my son to you, who knows maybe you two could get along well and we would have our next dutchess of clan Douglas. " ' as if ' I thought to myself as I almost rolled my eyes.

He then gestured towards a young-looking lad, but the latter was busy discussing with someone else as his back was turned against us. " Samuel son come over here, I want to introduce you to the princess" he dilated his voice so his son could hear him.

He finally turned to us holding a glass of wine...' wait this can't be his son, the latter looked nothing like the man standing next to me he was the complete opposite of what I had expected well apart from the blonde hair. '

He walked towards us and my jaw dropped, I could see Duke Alfonso's wide grin from the corner of my eyes as he was satisfied with my reaction.

He had golden blonde hair that fell over his shoulders and golden eyeballs like that of the rays of the sun that complimented his beauty a sharp pointy nose with lips as pink as strawberries, he was a site to behold, I couldn't believe it, it was almost impossible that he was Duke Alfonso's son as he looked nothing like his father apart from the blonde hair.

" Princess meet my son the next Duke of clan Douglas, Samuel Barrett " Duke Alfonso introduced.

" It's an honor getting to know the princess " the latter grinned, took my palm in his, and placed a soft kiss on it.

"Urm...uh ..." Oh God not now, I was utterly speechless, this was so embarrassing, " an honor meeting you too Samuel Barrett, um lord Samuel Barrett " I stuttered.

He chuckled " Samuel my lady "


"Call me Samuel my lady he said grinning from ear to ear