Devine pnuema

"My lords, may I have a word with you in private ?" Samuel knew that Garrett has arrived and was somewhere around the vicinity, he could already sense his presence.

He gritted his teeth and balled his fists hard so that his nails almost penetrated his skin " can't you see am in the middle of something very important, how dare you interrupt me Zed! " He almost raised his voice as annoyance and irritation were evident in his tone while he glared daggers at Zed.

' Derek I'm quite sure you know the consequences of keeping Garrett waiting, it's not going to end well, and you should remember the reason we came here in the first place ' Samuels's father communicated with him telepathically.

' oh, this must be his right-hand man ' he could hear the princess's thoughts.

He just wished that was how it was, oh would he have enjoyed making life miserable for the latter.

" well then, I shall take my leave princess "

Zed quickly led the way to an empty corner as the father-son duo trailed behind him.

There in the dark empty corner, emerged a man entirely covered with a black cloak that was draped around him as faint dark mists surrounded the lower part of his body, as the hooded figure occurred from the shadows, Samuel rolled his eyes and scoffed inwardly as he watched Garrett's dramatic appearance.

' how pathetic' he thought while he shook his head ' did he have to show up dramatically '

Zed quickly kneeled on one knee and bowed his head while he placed this hand on his chest " here they are my Lord ".

" Rise " he commanded and Zed quickly got up and stood behind his master.

A barrier immediately formed around so nobody could spot or hear them " she's indeed the one we're looking for sire " Alphonso broke the silence.

Alphonso's shape shifted into his original form, looking more attractive than he was seconds ago, and he had almost the same features as Samuel, The only difference was his never-ending stifle smile and his brown-hued hair that reached the tip of his ear.

"You should have heard the princess's thoughts when she fixed her eyes upon Alphonso," Samuel sneered. Alphonso ignored his comment and turned to Garrett's hooded figure " you didn't call us here for silly talks did you?"

" Of course not!" Garrett hollered making Samuel slightly jolt up. "continue with what you were declaring. " he said yet again with his domineering voice, not failing to hide the irritation he felt with the wavering.

"She's the wilder of the Devine pneuma, her powers will surely surface when she is at the right age, we only have to wait two more years, until then I'd advise we keep a close eye on her. "

"Achilles was right about what he said, and to ratify it, I touched her palm, her powers burned with great force inside of her" Samuel added while he revealed a ruby ring on his right palm.

" So Achillius had been right all along," Garrett thought out loud and chuckled darkly.