
As soon as viola delivered the message, l excitedly exited the garden and out of my courtyard to the crown Prince's, almost running all the way.

As soon as I got there l didn't waste much time knowing he would be in his office already. The guards didn't stop me as if they were already expecting my arrival. They bowed their heads and opened the door to his office 'Lazz must have told them that I would be visiting, for them not to have stopped. I thought to myself and walked in to meet piles of paperwork stacked on his huge desk, some even on the couch by the corner of his large office, I looked at the side of his desk and saw some documents lined up also.

"Good morning my lady " Andrew his assistant greeted and bowed his head a Little. lazz looked up from his desk and smiled, not looking the least bothered about the piles of work in front of him. but I knew he was quite disturbed.

"Good morning Ly " he greeted, and picked up about ten pieces of paperwork and a scroll before he handed it to Andrew " Take this to his Highness, tell him it's important and it needs his permission to get signed"

"Yes your majesty " Andrew collected the paper and left me with my maidens and the crown prince in his enormous office "Have a sit ly " he gestured towards the already occupied couch and withdrew his hands after realizing.

He then gestured towards another seat, I rolled my eyes while I folded up my arms and pouted "What is the matter ly" he got up from his chair, afterward walked towards me, and sighed ." you know I only did that to get rest from work. this huge pile of work is giving me

headaches, I want to spend time with you and Katherine today maybe have tea in your courtyard" he smiled expectantly and patted my head.

I removed his hand and grabbed his ears twisting them until he distorted his face and pleaded " okay, okay sorry now would you please release me from your tight grip ? it hurts!". "Oh please quit the act!! " I knew he was just teasing no way that could have hurt him not even a little, he was much taller and stronger than I am. and am sure he didn't feel anything "you could have just told me you had work to do and I'd have let you be, you didn't have to skip work because of me, just look at those piles of documents when would you finish those " ."As I said, I want to spend time with you and Katherine today, work can wait, I want to take a break from this stress" he sighed and looked over his desk...

"Ok l understand, we'll have tea over at my courtyard. but we'll be having the tea party in the garden "my mood brightened and I looked up at him while dragging his shoulders

"You just came back from the garden to my Courtyard, didn't you? " He pointed to the real rose I was still holding, I had almost forgotten ...Bang !!

I turned towards the door where the sound came from and saw two guards trying to hold back Katherine, whilst begging for her to stop and cooperate with them, as she needs the crown Prince's permission before she can be

allowed in.

Katherine is the third princess of vanov and the last child of the king, she had similar features as that of the king with her reddish brown hair and brown eyes with her tiny cute lips and chubby cheeks which added to adorable looking self, I

was only two years older than her... "Hey let go of me or I'll scream for help !" she yelled and glared at them while trying to free herself from their grip.

"My lady please try to understand, we can't just let you in without seeking permission from the crown prince "one of the guards pleaded "How dare you touch a princess like this !!!!" she yelled again "lazy! tell them to stop or I'll throw the biggest tantrum ever seen".

"Let her go " Lazarus commanded and looked over at Katharine with a raised brow. And instantly they obeyed and freed her hands, they bowed their heads, and immediately they raised it Slap! Slap!

She gave them both tight slaps and turned away " humpt"