Illicit bond

" There is a lot of difference between the demons and dark hydes " she fired as her nails dug into the armrest. She glared at Adrian and then scoffed "You don't know anything boy, so just keep your mouth shut while I divulge to you what you seek. " her voice exacerbated.

" you've got some pretty bad anger issues " he scoffed. " I suggest you work on that. And don't think I'm scared of your chasmic voice and intimidating stares, I've received worse from my aunt " He clicked his tongue while he kept his usual cold countenance.

" maintain your lane boy, I'm much older than you think, you can't just speak to me anyhow. Do you think you've seen worse from your aunt? " she scoffed. " You haven't seen anything, just get on my nerves and I'll show you what real anger looks like " she raved. Her pupils looked much darker and the expression on her face screamed threat, the air around had started to stifle as the temperature ebbed. This was enough to make the latter feel intimidated, but he managed to keep his calm demeanor in front of the woman.

" I'm sorry " he replied with a hint of sarcasm playing in his tone.

" That is more like it " she placated and rolled her eyes afterward.

" Yaqs was chosen to be the next monarch for the dark hydes " she continued.

" While Bacillia was chosen as the next ruler of Asnah since our father had passed away, typically I was the second child, the one that is supposed to attain the throne since my brother has decided to preside over the dark hydes, but sadly dark hydes aren't allowed to sit on the throne. Only light hydes from the royal lineage can rule over Asnah so Bacillia was chosen " She paused.

" unlucky you " Adrian chuckled lightly.

" After Bacillia ruled for a thousand years, she finally found her mate, who turned out to be nonother than Xavier. " she ignored and continued

" This came as a jaw-dropper to us for the mating bond was inferred to be only between us hydes, Bacillia was seen as debauchery as this was the first time since history that there was a chronicle for the mating bond between a hyde and a demon. "

" She endeavored her fairest to stay away from her mate, so she could govern her people without any distraction, she tried to renounce the verity that she would end up with a demon as her mate, But it all proved futile"

" It's just impossible for one to deny his or her mate, just preposterous "

" but as a leader, she has to make sacrifices, so she did. But that doesn't stop Xavier to claim what was his."

"Some hydes started to deny her as their leader, they opposed the idea of Bacilia ruling over them, they demanded that she be replaced for they have started to see her as a sin in the land, well this came mostly from the light hydes for they despise anything that marked evil"

"How did they get to know of her mating bond with the demon?"

" you see... I've always been jealous of Bacillia since we were young, I hated everything about her, I hated the fact that she was the most loved amongst all, I hated her being chosen over me, I despised everything! " she scoffed.

" We were quite close when we were both young, she loved me, yaqs, and our parents to morsels"

" my mother never seemed to care the same as my brother. But our father always portrays care to her well all of us in particular, while I was just close to her not because I loved her, but because sometimes when you want to take down your enemy, the best way is just to be close to them to find their weakness or flaws so it can be used against them," she smirked as her expression darkened.

" it was pretty hard to spot flaws in her tho, though she always shares every single detail with me, she doesn't conceal from me any secrets at all, and she trusts me with everything. And that trust is what I used against her."


Gazing at the moon was a woman, a very beautiful woman in a silk white flowing nightwear, she stood at the bank of a lake while holding a preal rose and closed her eyes as she savored the scent like it was going to help her calm down from anxiety, that she has been going through.

She opened her eyes after she exhaled and stared into the sparkling blue water from the lake across, her green eyes searched for nothing in particular, and as the soft wind blew past her, she let out yet another sigh. The rustling sounds of leaves could be heard as the wind tampered with the trees.

The sky was clear as millions of stars could be seen looking down upon it, and at the center stood the moon which let its rays dance around the serene environment, adding life to it. The flowers that grew around the small lake looked gloomy, just like the ravishing being that stood across them.

" The dreams I've been having lately" she muttered as she sat on the smooth green grass below not minding if her nightwear would get stained by the floor.

Her extremely long silver-white hair swept the ground on which she sat. Her knees pressed against her chest as her folded arms lay on it.

As she went through her thoughts, she started scenting a familiar presence lurking nearby, she sniffs harder and closes her eyes shut. it was the scent she has started getting used to, the scent of burnt flowers. And strangely enough, she loved it, she was attracted to it she craves it, and She longs for it.

She let out yet again another sigh, she couldn't help but get anxious at her growing desire. " what is it you looking for" she asked knowing full well what he wants.

" what do you mean? This isn't the first time I'm visiting is it?" he replied with a mischievous smirk. " you know very well what I seek" he concluded.

" I'll never be yours, just leave me in peace for I don't want anything to do with you" she replied with her serene voice as she kept staring into the night.

" you and I both know that is impossible, you will always be mine no matter what" With this statement, he walked towards her at a rather slow pace, like he had all the time in the world.

"This has to be a mistake, the bond is illicit, and who told you the bond is impossible to look past, it's very much possible." she started her words like she was unsure of what she said.

The man chuckled and stood right behind the woman's back. " oh really?" he asked with sarcasm "Let's see if you would be able to hold back" He crouched down to her level and made sure his breath fanned her skin as he slid his hands to circle her waist.

She enjoyed every single bit of the gesture even if she never wanted to, she couldn't help but curse her luck. And sighed at her fate. She wanted to do something about it but she was weak, she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted him close. The mating bond affected her deeply.

She let out a faint moan as he kissed her by her nape. " just my touch has got you moaning like this and you sounded as though you despise my presence" he sneered with a wide grin across his face, looking more like a mischievous one.

"Xavier" she unconsciously mentioned his name with a plea making him groan in appreciation.

Unbeknownst to them, someone has been quietly watching the entire scene unfold in the darkness...