Under attack

The throne room fell uncommunicative, all that could be heard was Burton's erratic heartbeat and that of many others who felt the matter was getting solemn as their Empress just had her lips slightly parted, unable to answer the query hurled towards her by that crafty old fella. " Is the Empress unable to answer?" he mocked, with a glimpse of disgust.

" I don't wish to disclose" she declared with an authoritative voice, she was still the Empress and has the domination not to be submissive to their cunning investigative criteria, this was getting out of hand, simply because they were elders and members of the court doesn't give them the right to oppose her command, she wouldn't give them that chance! They were using this opportunity to pull her down." and my desire shouldn't be opposed." she made her manner firm.

" My lady, I think it's reasonable if you cooperate with us, as you can see lady Alrak has legislated an ominous Allegation toward you, now that you refuse to cooperate you're just giving us the reason to believe her the more." Minoz's deep voice was given attention as he articulated.

" He's right Empress, do provide the information needed to prove your innocence, we just can't overlook such a matter, I'm afraid" Ekila sided, finally speaking up after keeping quiet for so long.

Swaying her hips as she turned seductively towards her place in the courtroom, Alrak had a satisfied countenance as she grinned widely and made sure her heels castigates the floor loudly as she hiked. Now with nowhere to hide Bacillia just hoped for a miracle to happen! She was speechless her lips moved but actual words seem to fail her! Right! What was she talking about the other time? oh yes, she remembers now, she was saying something about herself being the leader and would avoid investigative measures. But here she is now, unable to do anything oh she felt so stupid and wondered if the post even suits her. The pressure was just too much!

She was sure she looked so fatuous right now in front of these people, after all the authority she showcased a while ago, here she is looking like she was going to be sentenced to hell. Oh if it wasn't for that crazy viper she wouldn't be in this situation, all she could do now was curse and glare silently at the black lipid woman staring at her with mockery.

What was her deal? Couldn't she just keep a secret? Heh, what was she even saying? The woman had been secretly loathing her since forever now, what did she expect? She has tried her best to show love to her believing, not all dark hydes are bad, maybe all they needed was a little bit of love since their race had been discriminated against for a long period now.

She scoffed at her childish beliefs.

She tapped her feet lightly as if hoping for an advantage to ensue, just then a guard came running in all sweaty and tired like he had been running to get here from a far distance, with a look of fear etched all over his mug. Couldn't he just have teleported here? Oh right! it would be considered contrariness, for they were in a council meeting. Now with all attention diverted towards the sweaty male, Bacillia felt a little relaxed even though she was sure that he wasn't going to relay good news, but before the latter could enter and disclose whatever he had to say, a horrific scene transpired before them.

A sharp claw was protruding out of his left chest right where the heart was situated making the latter cough out blood, and right after his head was separated from his body with a brisk move as he slumped and died on the spot. Everyone stood up not needing to be told before they were able to get the information straight! They were under attack, already? Bacillia had her mouth '0' shaped, this was not the miracle she was hoping for, her fear had now intensified ten thousandfold, and she could inhale already the choking aura they carried. Oh only if these idiots had listened to her earlier, maybe they would have been the ones separating their heads rather. She was pissed at how stupid her sister had been, standing up as quick as the wind, she made a battle pose and knotted her brows in worry.

The others had already been up on their feet, each ready to strike at any moment, but how? How did they get to the throne room? How did they even enter the realm unnoticed by anyone? This only meant they had a traitor amongst them each individual stared at Bacillia in disbelief as she had known! They must have probably thought she helped them in, Alrak! That fool! She is part of all this ploy.

Staring at the demon right in front of them, he was at least 9ft tall and had fangs protruding from its mouth with long sharp claws, he was in humanoid form, for only his claws and fangs marked the difference. She sighed, it wasn't the person she feared it would be.

"How?" came from one of the court members.

The demon snarled and made to assail, but before he could make any move, Lord Cohen had taken it down with a single blow, the huge thing was not willing to give up so easily, it got up instantly and made sure his moves were well calculated, he launched forward with a growl and swung its ugly claw towards Cohen's neck. He barely managed to dodge the attack if not for the intervention of Amadeus. It was clear that this one was high-ranked, his snappy moves weren't that of a wimp.

" You creatures bore me" it snarled, its voice was deep and carried an amount of hatred. " two against one?" it sneered. " weaklings" he laughed and laughed forward only for his head to be rolling on the floor like it was nothing, Yaqs kicked the head and it was smashed against the wall. He sheathed his sword and shook his head in disappointment as if mocking the decapitated body. Norab, not needing to be told what he has to do tried to exit the hall only to be stopped by Dmitry " Where do you think you're going?" glaring at the man in front of him in disbelief, he tilted his head to the side in confusion. " have you forgotten the meeting hasn't been dismissed yet? You want to leave without the permission of the empress?"