It's you who is my weakness

"How?!" Gnivah turned her back against Bacillia. ' those fools weren't able to inject it into her body the elixer provided' She scrutinized her brows in wonder.

" Mate! What are you doing get out now!" Xavier blustered. Soon after, as predicted, the glow that the sword emitted faded away within the blink of an eye.

"uoy?" her facial expression dimmed. her orbs caught a glimpse of the black-haired woman whose back was turned against her. Who is she? She could feel her insides burn up with jealousy and quickly brushed off the dire emotion she contrasted. She has just escaped from two creatures who had tried to hold her captive, she had this feeling that the woman had sent them.

"Who is she?!" Bacillia found herself raising her voice higher than she intended to and didn't fail to notice the countenance of pleasure Xavier lugged immediately.

Immediately Gnivah turned, and two guards came out of the shadows and stood beside Bacillia with a fierce battle stance. Xavier held Gnivah's arm "Don't even think about laying your fetid fingers on her." She smirked and gazed at Xavier with her deceitful blue orbs staring at his.

"Gnivah!" Bacillia's eyes widened in shock, distaste, and happiness. Happiness because she might be the key to deciphering her dreams, and the inscription on the stone so she can finally understand what it means. Maybe her dreams could relate to what would happen in the future just like Mild had suggested. She knew Gnivah and her habit of digging into the forbidden to retain supremacy which led to her banishment. She was here for something, but for what?

" yes honey," she grinned devilishly, " witness how this ogre is holding me internee. " she laced her tone with mockery and yanked her arm off his grip.

Bacillia retorted instantly. " you came here, you desire something from him!" unexpectedly she felt her body shake and she afterward lost control of herself and started conveying like she has been possessed and held her head. She started reciting strange unclear words and spun her head with her grip not leaving her head.

" I see, you've tampered with Ilydi Nancoy" she laughed and raised her brows. " oh I can tell you what it means, but sadly I didn't predict this would happen, you foiled my purpose here for a while but Gnivah Gladys never fails to find what she seeks." Alrak appeared behind her and fell to the ground immediately. The chains were still over her, it seemed like she broke free from the help of someone strong but stupid.

Xavier had just been standing there speechless before everything that was happening right in front of him, his muscle was tense and his chest began to spread warmth to his body. A pleasurable feeling that made him too relaxed for this situation. This only happens when she's around or when she's in danger. Danger? She was in danger? He needed to do something about it! Oh, he detested this so much! Why did she come?! He groaned in frustration whilst trying to move his body but kept failing.

The uoy started to lose its shine so the same way they all started feeling the regeneration of power. The durability has worn off, and Xavier managed to make use of his ability and broke free from the pressure holding him back. He threw the uoy on the floor since it was no use and grunted seeing the state his mate was.

He materialized beside her and scooped her up in a bridal style mean while Gnivah and her minions had also risen to dust. They left.

" Don't worry mate, you're safe with me" he glared at the two guards, " you shall be executed for not accomplishing your duties well, you worthless dogs." they bowed their heads apologetically accepting their punishment.

He telepathically called Yargus and the latter appeared right in front of him " Execute them, and make sure by dawn all the imposters in present in my vicinity are gone as well."

" yes my Lord, I hope the lady is okay?"

" get lost and make sure you do as told, don't screw up Yargus" he left and teleported into his chamber.

Xavier then dropped the weak Hyde in front of him on his bed. " you're still weak, but you act all strong like nothing ever happened. You hide your pain under those beautiful orbs of yours and make sure your real surface stays beneath so perfectly." he caressed her forehead gently and frowned. " to stand candid your presence makes me weak, it's you who is my weakness. Hadn't you been there, I'd have been able to hold her captive. Gnivah seems like a peril to you my Queen." he sighed.

" I shall see to executing her," he laid his lips on her forehead for a while before parting. He got up to leave, but that was when he noticed the change in her serene state. placing his hand on her forehead made him jolt from the shock he received. She was shaking violently but didn't wake up from her slumber.

He lived in his shocked state for a while and broke free when he noticed a tear escape her sealed orbs.

He looked over at her and placed his palm on her forehead similarly. This time he was accepted openly. He entered her blurry vision and saw her being massacred while the distant baby cries were heard. She jolted up from sleep correspondingly breaking the tie.

" My are you okay? You gave me quite a fright back there little one." his voice was sturdy. he used the back of his palm continuously to check her temperature. But she started sobbing. He was left mute by the sudden action of hers

"Why are—" she hugged him tightly and wailed louder. Only if she knew what she was doing to the poor soul at that moment, he wanted to have her so badly. Her scent was so alluring.

He couldn't move, the wired warm sensation spread across his chest and it was faster this time he heard a crack. The effort he was using to hold back from devouring her right then was immensely dangerous. His hands were trembling, he barely managed to breathe.