Naughty little kitten*

[Warning! Mature content]

He furloughed from the kiss and went straight to her neck flank and sunk his fangs into it. While she soughed painfully to the act and continued to emanate pleasure from it.

The gulping sound of Xavier sucking up blood from Bacillia, moans, and thrusts occupied the room.

Bacillia's vision started to blur due to the amount of blood the demon had drank.

He released into her for the fourth time and went limp on her finally releasing his fangs from her neck. Was he tired already?

" No, I just took pity on you" his voice was back to normal. " you would have perished if I hadn't"

" so you decided I'd perish with your weight crushing me instead?"

He chuckled and rose from his position. " that's some serious damage aye?" He stared at her clawed skin and his fangs mark all over her. That's going to take a while to heal not to talk of the blood that had been extracted from her body. " everything about your body turns me on " he smirked.

" I still want you, but I don't want to destroy you, I wouldn't be able to handle it if my demon takes over." he groaned in pain and Bacillia instinctively stared at his manhood which was so large at this moment it looked like it was gonna burst, she widened her eyes and gasped. Just how did it fit into her?!

Xavier chuckled. " so naive"

" you look so innocent, it's driving me nuts rebelliously, little one, but I have to hold back, I don't want you dead."

'Is he bragging?' She frowned.

" I'm not" The color of his eyes shifted from red to black and his blood-stained teeth made themselves visible. " see little one, I locked him away, but for how long?" he smirked.

" you're now part demon, your injuries should be healed by now."

" does that mean you'll continue?" she asked innocently out of the blue, her voice was really low due to the embarrassment.

" No" he replied sternly. " you're so naughty."

" what about that?" she pointed to his manhood, knowing fully well how hard it was going to be for him. Well, the truth was she wanted him to go again but doesn't want to express it directly. She wanted more of what she felt previously, it helped her forget all her worries and drifts her into a world full of pleasure.

His eyes softened for a while and he looked more angelic than a demon right now immediately she pointed out his discomfort.

" I want to help you, uh you look like you're in pain." she stared at him expectantly. Urg! What the hell was she expecting?! This made her red as she knows full well he could read her thoughts.

" and how do you intend on doing that?" his devilish smirk appeared once more, stroking her hair with his fingers as he faced her fully.

" i..."

Xavier immediately got up from his resting position and instructed her to do the same. Sitting right in front of him she blushed even harder staring at his face, she had never realized his good looks up to now. " stop doing that little one. "

He took her hands and made them cup his manhood afterward he groaned. " fuck!"

Bacillia tightened her grip on his hard manhood and he groaned even louder. This made her amused.

She then caressed it slowly but he grabbed her hands on the spot and made sure it was tightened even harder and made her stoke it faster. She got the hint and began to massage it on her own " Faster!"

She moved her hands faster and decided she would tease him a little.

She bent down and bit the tip of his dick not so hard and afterward used her tongue to tease it. She thought it would affect him since he did the same to her in the first place, and she was right! His loud groans were proof.

" Fuck Bacillia!" her eyes widened this was rear. He was usually fond of giving her stupid names but this.

He just called her by name!

She opened her mouth fully and engulfed this dick into it. He groaned and she was losing her breath, but she nonetheless continued to suck and tease him until he releases into her mouth and she swallowed it.

Was she copying him? Xavier smirked. " my little kitten."

" That was hot!" she bit her lower lip and faced down. " I... "

" Xavier kissed her right at that moment and they began the cycle all over again


She turned to the side of the bed and saw it was empty, she was the only one on the soft large bed. Bacillia tried getting up but her body was sore due to the event of last night. Checking for her injuries they were healed.

She reminisced all the memories of the night before and quickly used the quilt to block her screams. By now she was as red as a tomato.

Her clothes were all torn and littered on the floor, she checked her body and blushed. Seeing blood she knew everything was true. he finally stole her innocence her eyes became blurry for some reason and tears escaped them." Why am I... "

" It's normal my lady " She spotted a woman cleaning the room and quickly cleaned her tears, but the woman just smiled and continued her work." pardon me for my disrespect ma'am, Good morning. "

She stared at the woman's genuine smile and blinked severally, was this woman appealing than her? She checked her face with her hands and sighed. ' why am I even bothered? '

The maid had a deep red iris and long silky blue hair her skin was well sun-kissed and her lips were blood red. She had a beautifully sculpted face and a genuine smile. Her shape was sure to drive one craving her attention, she was almost perfect. Yeah almost.

" Thank you for the compliments my lady, but I still think you're much more prettier" she smiled. Wait did she just pry into her thoughts?

Demons! They have such guts!

" oh, my lady has gotten it all wrong. I'm not a demon you see. " she kept smiling gleefully.

" Stop prying into my thoughts! " she calmly instructed with authority and detected that her voice was much more terrifying than she intended.