Chapter 22


Tallahassee: It's getting late you kids should hit the sack.

I exchange looks at Tallahassee and Little Rock, then she nods at me and we go to the back where the sleeping quarters are.

Before I fall asleep, I think back to what happened earlier, we need to relieve our stress, and thanks to Tallahassee for noticing it. If only I have a good guy card, I'll give it to him.

He looks out to everybody. After being comfortable I slowly fell asleep.

~The next day~

???: West…wak…p.

I hear someone calling my name and that person shaking me carefully. I then slowly open my eyes and see who was calling me, then I see Carter in front of me.

Carter: Wake up sleepy head.

He has a smile on his face, I then slowly got up and rub my eyes.

Westlie: What time it is? Is it my time for the shift?

I see him laugh at what I said.

Carter: No, it's already morning, you were sleeping soundly so we decide to let you rest.

I was shocked at what he said, I sleep for the whole night, maybe because I'm so tired and also there was that thing that happened yesterday. I was under a lot of stress lately. Being reincarnated here in this zombie apocalypse world and being on the edge every second because my life is always in danger. I need to rest; I then look at him and said.

Westlie: Sorry and thank you.

Carter: No worries, everyone is stressed and, on the edge, right now, thankfully Tallahassee let us let out all of that pent-up stress.

I was embarrassed by what I did and appreciated it, I know that I'm not the only one who is stressed right now, everybody does and he is right everyone is on the edge right now. Especially now that we know we are near a lion's den. We need to be more careful because we don't want to lose someone again.

I know my body is a child right now but my soul is of an adult, so I need to be strong so that they won't worry about me and I need to help them too.

I then look at him and smiled, I then glance beside me and see that Little Rock is not there anymore. Maybe she got up early. Carter notice that and had a smirk on his face and said.

Carter: Your little girlfriend got up early, and she's having breakfast right now.

I was a bit taken aback by what he said.

Westlie: She's not my girlfriend and I'm only 11 years old, why do you think that I will have a girlfriend now?

Carter: Well, earlier when I was about to wake you up, I see that you guys hugging each other.

Westlie: What?! You're lying!

Carter: *chuckles* Well, it's up to you to believe it.

I can feel my face getting red, this guy knows how to tease me. I see him about to talk again but I look at him menacingly and spoke.

Westlie: Not another word CARTER GRANT.

I see him jump a bit scared when I called him his full name. Telling him that enough is enough.

Carter: Okay little guy and I'm sorry. I won't say another word.

Westlie: Well, I'm sorry too, but please don't tease me again.

He smirks and said.

Carter: Okay! Hahaha

I don't know if he was serious or what, but please don't tease an old man inside of a kid's body, it is embarrassing, being teased by a younger man than you, it's not fun.

Westlie: Just… Don't tell anyone okay?

Carter: Okay little man, I won't, just tell me first if you guys got together, okay?

Westlie: CARTER!

He then laughs and runs away from me. Then I go where Little Rock is and sit in front of her.

Little Rock: Oh, you're awake?

I nod at her.

Westlie: So, what for breakfast?

Little Rock: There's a toast and egg, Kendell cooked it.

I get a plate, fill it with some food, and started eating. After I finished eating, I then look around the RV. After checking everyone I then look at Little Rock and asked.

Westlie: So, where are we now?

Little Rock: We are halfway I think, Tallahassee said earlier that we gonna take another route because there's a horde of zombies on the path. So, we are stopping for now because they are finding a safer path to take.

I nod at what she said, for the past few weeks, as we travel, we see more and more zombies blocking our way. I don't know why.

Westlie: Do you feel like we are being trapped?

She had a questioning look.

Little Rock: Why did you say that?

I am wondering if I should say it, but I feel that there is something wrong, maybe I'm paranoid because of the stress, but when I feel that something bad happen, I know something bad will happen.

Westlie: Well, there's a chill on my back, like someone is watching us.

She was shocked at what I said.

Little Rock: What?! Is that true? Do you know who?

Westlie: No.

Little Rock: Maybe it's those guys?

Westlie: Who?

Little Rock: You know, that one that we encounter yesterday.

When I heard that I feel rage again, I then try to calm myself and spoke.

Westlie: No, I don't think it's them.

Little Rock: Well, who else?

Westlie: I don't know, I got this feeling when we got out of Macon.

Little Rock: What?! Are you sure? Why didn't you tell me anything?

Westlie: Well, at first, I thought it was nothing, but as time passed by the feeling won't disappear.

She gasps at what she heard.

Little Rock: We should tell the others, that way we can be ready for what's coming.

I nod at her and we go where the others are.

We then see the group outside and form a circle, in front of them is a table with a map on it. We got close to them and when we are beside them, we heard them talking.

Tallahassee: We need to go to Birmingham and we are in Oxford right now, we can take the route of Anniston and go to rainbow city then we take that route to go to Birmingham.

Wichita: Well, that's a great plan, but what if we encounter another horde?

Ben: Then we take another route and plan again.

They all nod at what Ben said.

Tallahassee: So, that's the plan, any more questions? If none let's pack up and hit the road it's dangerous here.

As they were about to disperse, I heard Little Rock.

Little Rock: Westlie have something to say.

After she said that all eyes were on me.

Westlie: 'you little sh*t! now I'm nervous'

I see her giggle and then sign to me that I should speak up.

Westlie: uhm, I got this feeling that we are being watched, I think?

After hearing what I just said, they were all shocked by what they just hear. Tallahassee then had a grim expression and said.

Tallahassee: I think I know what Westlie is talking about.

They are shocked again at what Tallahassee says.

Denise: What?! Why didn't you say it to us earlier?

Tallahassee: Shush! Don't speak too loud, they might hear us.

Then all of us suddenly got quiet at what Tallahassee said. Then Columbus whispered.

Columbus: When did you guys feel that?

I and Tallahassee exchanged looks and said at the same time.

Tallahassee/Westlie: Macon!