chapter 6

The Unknown🤷🏾‍♂️ Tomorrow

(episode 6)

Last episode!

Most times, people have to go through difficult times in order to realise their past mistakes and eventually make amends for the better. Crisis have positive effects just as it has negative effects too. Majority tends to get stronger and begin to appreciate life the more after going through a rough path. In Chelsea's case, despite the fact that her father's cu,rse played a huge role in her misfortune, it still didn't stop her from learning a hard lesson and changing her ways for the better. Change is constant and it's such a relief that Robert began to notice the 'New' Chelsea and dropped any judgements he initially had towards her in the past.

Robert's little revelation was unexpected and threw Chelsea off balance. Never in a thousand years did she ever imagine that she would get back together with him. It was such a moment that she never saw coming at all and it suddenly brought tears to her eyes.

"Robert I asked you a question, why do you want me back and how is it even possible because the last time I checked, you ha,ted and Des,pised me" Chelsea soberly said, "To be honest, I don't know but there's just something different about you now. This is the last thing I ever thought would be happening but I just couldn't hold back my feelings any longer. You are the mother of my child and if there's anybody I want back into my life, then it's nobody but you" Robert confidently said.

As the two lovebirds were about to go deeper into the conversation, their son started crying and Chelsea stretched her hands to carry him from Robert's arms. She quickly sat in one of the parlour couch and started breastfeeding the baby.

While Chelsea was doing that, Robert sat opposite her and just kept staring at her. That beautiful sight made him realise even more that he wanted his family back. Every glance at her drove him crazy and made him hunger for her presence back in his life as 'The One'.

When Chelsea was done breastfeeding her baby, she gently laid him on the couch and stood up to leave because she was already late for class. There was no way Robert was going to let her go without finishing the conversation they started earlier. "Can we please talk now the baby is asleep?" he asked, "uhmm, I'm late for class, can we do this when I get back later?" she inquired and he agreed.

For all the time Chelsea was away that evening, the only thing Robert thought about was her. Also, she couldn't get her mind off him all through class that evening. They both deeply thought about each other and had cold feet while at it.

One thing was clear to Chelsea and it was the fact that she still loved Robert with every bit of her heart. This time around, her love for him was based on realistic things and not infatuation. She admired the way hestood against her ab,ortion plans while she was pregnant and even went as far as taking drastic measures to prevent her from going ahead with the decision of aborting their baby. The fact that Robert was man enough to do all that made Chelsea fall 10 times more in love with him than she did before. Also, he was caring to a fault and was never found wanting on his daddy's duties. What more could she ask for than what she already had?

While Chelsea was making up her mind towards accepting Robert back, he took things to the extreme by calling his mum to let her know that he wanted to take Chelsea back. "Hi mama" he greeted when his mother picked up the call, "My son, how are you?" she asked and he said 'Good'. Without wasting time, Robert went straight to his main reason for calling at such time of the day. "Mummy, I want to marry Chelsea" he beeped out without beating around the bush, "Are you sure that's the person you want as your wife?" she curiously asked and he continued; "Mummy she has changed, I never thought I will be doing this but I just can't help myself. She's such a good mother to our child, she has dropped so many bad characters, she hardly keeps friends anymore, she's just too different now and I don't want to lose the mother of my child to somebody else. I feel like I deserve her in her best days because I was there when she was at her worst. I know she wasn't such a good person in the past, but trust me when I say this new Chelsea is the woman I want and I want her back" He said.

As Robert spoke, his mum could sense the genuineness in his tone and knew for sure that there was something that must have made him that sober. Being a good mother who wanted the best for her child and not herself, she supported him in his decision to get her back and gave her blessings. It was such a relief for Robert to have his mum on his side because she was the one person he felt he owed an explanation to; due to the fact that she had encountered the bad side of Chelsea and might not want her as a daughter in-law. With his mum by his side, there was no stopping him.

Later that same day at around 8:30pm, Chelsea closed from school and made a stop at Robert's house to pick up her child before going home. When she arrived, the baby was still fast asleep. She was about to carry him when Robert stopped her; "It's very late, why not spend the night here today and go tomorrow?" he suggested but Chelsea wasn't buying it. She bluntly refused and still insisted on going home that night.

"I know you mean well but I have to go regardless because I have a job to get to in the morning" Chelsea said and gently lifted her baby up and made her way to the door. At that moment, Robert was running out of tactics to convince her to stay so he had to come clean with the truth as to why he wanted her around. "Please don't go, I want you and my child to stay with me tonight and even tomorrow and the next. I want you back Chelsea, I want us to work out" he soberly said.

Deep down, Chelsea's heart melted and she was dying to k,iss Robert over again. Unable to hold back her emotions any longer, she broke down in tears. "I love you so much and thought I lost you. Everything you are doing right now just feels so unreal and like a dream. Please stop if you are joking because I am still in love with you and wouldn't want to make mistakes. I know you hate and despise me because of everything I did to you in the past, I just want to let you know that I'm so sorry. I have never still forgiven myself for trying to ab,ort our baby. I ha,te myself whenever I look at my child and remember that I almost took his life. Robert you saved me from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I don't deserve a man like you because you deserve a partner who's better at everything I wasn't. I love you and never stopped loving you. Whenever I look at our child, it gives me joy that I get to keep a part of you with me" She soberly said with tears dropping off her eyes.

Immediately Chelsea was done talking, Robert rushed her and hu,gged her very tight. She burst into uncontrollable tears afterwards and held him tightly too.

The atmosphere was getting charged up and this time, there was no water that was going to be able enough to quench the fire burning within them. Robert held Chelsea's chin and lifted her face up. He planted a passionate k,iss on her lips and this time around, she ki,ssed back.

They k,issed passionately for a long time and could hardly breathe. Robert carried Chelsea up and walked towards his bedroom; so they don't wake the baby up. Immediately they entered the room, he pi,nned h,er to the wall and ho,oked h,er legs round his waist. She helped him by lo,cking her legs behind his back. Robert reached out for her blouse and gently unbu,ttoned it. As he unb,uttoned her shirt, his eyes were fixed on her eyes. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and the burning desire to dev,our themselves was at the maximum.

The first place Robert l,ips went to were on Chelsea's bre,*ast. They were big due to the fact that she was still bre,*ast feeding and every su,ck gave pleasure unexplainable. Chelsea hadn't felt that way in a long time so she m0aned in pleasure. . The wall wasn't doing much justice so they lan,ded on the bed. The speed at which he used to und,ress her had not been recorded yet in history. She helped to ta,ke off his clothes too and gave every bit of her bo,dy to him to do whatever he wanted to do.

The pleasure was too much that Chelsea tried to ease off by scratching Robert's back till there were nail bruises but nobody cared. "I miss you, say my name" Robert said as he th,rust i,n and o,ut of her. Chelsea almost di,ed due to the rush of emotions she was feeling at that moment, she called his name over and over and over again as she tried to gasp for breath.

It was such a moment for these two lovebirds and such Reuniting L0ve M@king had not been seen before. They went for hours and didn't want to stop because they missed each other so much and wanted to fill in every void and emptiness their absence had created.

After they were done m@king l0ve, Chelsea had to go check on the baby and came back to her man. They talked about what the next phase of their relationship will be like and Robert made it clear that he wanted to proceed from where he stopped in their relationship. Chelsea was so excited that they will be going back to see her father for the marriage rites.

Life started looking better for the once broken lady and things gradually began to fall into place. Just as expected, Robert went to see Chelsea's father again and they proceeded from where he stopped. He paid her bride price and went ahead to do every traditional rites that needed to be done on Chelsea's head. After they were traditionally cleared, they started preparing for their wedding ceremony.

"How do you want your wedding to be like?" Robert asked Chelsea one evening, while they were conversing. She paused for a while then said; "I honestly want a very small wedding with just family and close friends in attendance. I don't want anything too loud or flashy. Just me and you with family members and few friends and we are good to go".

Wow! What a great turn around in Chelsea's desires as compared to her initial dream exorbitant wedding. Life had truly humbled her beyond expectation as she was at a place in her life where only necessary things mattered. Robert was cool with the idea but still wanted a loud, yet small wedding because he had a lot of friends that were going to be in attendance. In as much as Chelsea wanted a low-key wedding, she still had to respect Robert's desires too.

At the end of the day, they had a decent and classy wedding with only important people in attendance. The money was there to spend on a big wedding but Chelsea's taste had change and she no longer wanted anything to do with her old self anymore.

Life became extremely beautiful for the two lovebirds and they grew together in peace, love and strength. Their son grew up in a lovely family and couldn't have asked for better parents.

Beauty will take you places, but your character will sustain you there. Don't ever m,ock or laugh at anyone just because life chose to smile at you better. Anything can change at anytime and you might just find yourself in worst situations than the person you mo,cked.

Never disrespect your elders no matter how much they pu,sh you to the wall. It never ends well when you pick up a fight with an elderly person. Walk away if you need to and learn to leave some battles for God to fight for you because with that way, you wouldn't put yourself and future at risk

Respect your father and mother in-law no matter how much they get on your nerves. They might not be the best people to you but at least they gave you the person you love so if not for anything, respect them for that. You don't have to talk when you are angry or pissed at anything they do, if you know you would disrespect them. It's never worth it trust me, you will only look like the bad person no matter how innocent you claim to be.

Spread love more and not competition and ha,tred. Support your friends and loved ones and stop secretly competing with them. Everyone has their own destiny so focus on yours alone. Peace!