Opportunity (B)

Aira stood still. His brown bead blinked. Staring at something moving behind the bushes.

Currently, he was in a small garden located parallel to his detention room. The garden was meant for him.

She continued to pay attention. He had seen a figure peeking shyly behind a bush.

"Hey!" Call Aira.

The figure poked its head out again. He looked down at the woman standing in front of him.

"Hey, come here!"

Curious, Aira walked closer. Sitting crouched to see more clearly what figure was hiding there.

Slowly the creature's hand moved. Repel bushes that block the road. The creature slowly emerged from hiding.

Aria's eyes widened. I don't know what creature he saw. What is clear is that the figure in front of him is far from scary.

The creature was petite, short, and plump. His ears are pointy. The texture of his body like jelly looks soft. It has four arms on its body like the tentacles of an octopus. The creature's round eyes flashed playfully with sparkling golden irises. And this creature has green hair like broccoli. Very adorable.

Aira wants to touch. But he gasped when the creature suddenly curled into a ball.


A voice startled him. Aira turned her head to find Heise walking over and grabbing the tiny creature in her arms.

The creature that was summoned by Huba immediately returned to its body. Smiling at Heise.

"He is Huba. The little monster that legendary creatures used to keep." Heise handed the cute monster to Aira, "For you!"

Aria looked confused.

"You said lonely right? He will accompany you." Heise said, putting the creature back down and then walking away.

Water blinks. His attention turned to the tiny creature.

The creature stood like a baby begging to be carried. He looked at her with his innocent round eyes.

Very funny.

Aira couldn't help but touch it. Smiling, Aira guided the little monster closer, "Come here, Huba!"


"You gave your pet Heise a pet." Greet the woman standing with her back to the entrance.

"Don't meddle in my business."

The woman snorted, "Aren't you playing with him enough?" Ruby walked over, "He's going to hurt you."

Heise pulled the corners of her lips, "Before that happens I will kill him." Heise stepped away, glanced briefly at the fox demon, and said, "Better focus on finding the last Falcon."

The beautiful demon squeezed her beautiful clothes. So annoyed that Heise never paid attention to it.

"Jealousy will kill you, Ruby."

A coquettish voice greeted. Chuckling, skimming the words Rubi said to Heise. The crow slowly transformed into the figure of a young girl with slit clothes that were too revealing her smooth thighs.

Ruby narrowed her eyes sharply.

"Oops... Don't frown." The crow demon covered its mouth with the back of its hand.

"Why are you here?" Ruby asked curtly.

"I have news of the Falcon's trail."

"Is that true?"

Meilan, the crow demon nodded. Jumping up and down hysterically he said longingly, "Ahh... I can't wait to see what the Falcon looks like."

"The descendant of the god of war must be very handsome," Meilan added, cupping her cheeks full of drama imagining the beautiful face of the enemy from the darkness.

The nine-tailed fox rolled its eyes in disgust at the behavior of this one stealth.


Ludra stood up, playing with his hands which were now emitting a golden glow. A sign that his strength is growing.

He also knew that the darkness was sniffing his existence. It will only take some time, Dosta will find himself. But before that happens he must quickly recover his strength.

Glancing at his servant who was fishing with Zie. Ludra stepped towards the middle of the forest. This human forest is so dense, almost no humans enter this forest if they don't want to get lost or be eaten by wild animals.

The gloom is evident. Laura could feel the presence of other creatures that inhabit the forest. Killing humans only added a little to his power. He had to hunt for something else. Stealth for example.

Suwa saw Ludra who stepped into the forest in silence. Wanted to follow Ludra, but his steps stopped.

Suddenly an opportunity crossed his mind.

The creature left him. Perfect time to run away.

Suwa did not want to waste the opportunity that was in front of her eyes.

He wanted to be free soon. Moreover, the last sentence of the magician was not something ordinary. He may be used as a sacrifice or a shield.

Making sure that the last Falcon was gone. Little by little he walked backward. He turned to the eagle that was still in its giant form. Suwa mumbled, "Zie, I'm looking for some fruit. You keep on fishing, I don't have any fishing skills."

It was ridiculous talking to animals, but somehow Suwa was sure that the white eagle could understand the language. Not wanting to be too long, Suwa hurried away.

Like there were fireworks lit up his steps. Suwa cheered that she was finally free from the creature.
