Fox Demon (B)

The cave is so wide, that it can be used as a settlement. In the corners of the cave, there are large tents. Several creatures were seen occupying each of the tents. There were even small children running around, playing like this cave was a village.

Several creatures bowed respectfully to the man carrying Suwa. The man who carried her was certainly an important person.

Suwa was still struggling. Screaming and even hitting the man's body with his bound legs. But the creature didn't care. Keep going straight and come to a crowd of demons who are sure to be of the same kind as partying. Surrounding the bonfire, they greeted the arrival of the man in black with great respect.

"What... You got your master's game very quickly." chirps one of the stealth. The fat man approached. Paying respects was followed by another stealth to the figure who was currently carrying a woman.


Suwa's body is lowered. It makes a loud slamming sound on the ground. Suwa grimaced. The bone may be broken.

"Bath and dress this woman! Tonight she is my bride."


Cheers of joy filled the party crowd. But not with the so-called woman.

Suwa's eyes went wide. His body stiffened. Struggling back, he cursed harshly when some demonic woman took him to a tent.

Mating season for the fox nation.

The figure of a man sitting on a stone stop smiling with satisfaction looking at the human girl he accidentally found in the middle of the forest.

"Ahh... So beautiful."

Currently, Suwa has been made up in such a way by wearing such beautiful silk clothes. His body was clean, his face had been dusty and had been washed away by the water they forced.

Suwa looks radiant like a noble princess full of charm.

"This human is very lucky." Click a few female demons who feel jealous. Hoping that in this mating season, lord Kao the leader of the Urocyon clan (a clan of gray foxes in the Legendary world) chooses one of them to make love to him.

"Let go of me you bastard demon!" Suwa stared blankly but inwardly screaming for help. But who will help him while he is surrounded by dozens or even hundreds of fox demons ready to eat him?

Suwa suddenly thought of the figure of the silver-eyed man, the Falcon. Hoping the man came to save her. But only for a moment. He immediately shook his head.

Oh no Suwa. Helped or not your fate will remain the same.

" Master Kao, we'd better do the ritual soon." Said one of the group members.

"You are right." Kao looked at the woman who was standing with her body bound. His eyes flashed, "Tonight the fox-demon mating season will begin."

The cheers of joy were heard again. They jumped for joy. There are even some fox demons who immediately carry their mating partners with great interest. Making Suwa wince in pain. As if it was an exciting event for the stealth.

Mating season is a good time to gain strength. Demons - ordinary fox demons are only loyal to one partner. But it is different from their leader who is called the noble class (Demon with the highest power). Just like humans, the Legendary world also has caste levels.

They are respected and have a special place. Leaders or groups of high-level foxes are free to seek or choose their respective partners and are not binding. Unless the leader has found a partner who manages to thrill.

Suwa's body wrapped around the log couldn't give much movement. His breath hitched as the figure called Kao approached. His body was shaking with fear, cold sweat soaked in sweat.

Suwa was scared and disgusted. This creature will touch it. He's better off dead.

"Just kill me!" Suwa muttered. His eyes stared intently but did not deny that there were puddles of tears in the corners of his senses of vision.

The Urocyon clan leader smiled lopsidedly. He enjoyed the courage of the human girl who looked at him with a look of rage.

"Maybe I'll kill you. But after we make love."

Suwa growled. Unable to contain his emotions, he spat on the demon's face, "Fuck."

Several fox demons looked surprised and angry to see their master being treated like that. It growled, showing its fangs ready to tear Suwa apart.

But Kao laughed. Raised one hand so that his men did not do this.

"Hahahaha... I'm getting more and more fond of a petite and sweet woman like you. You are so brave. It must be very satisfying."

Suwa stood shivering. He closed his eyes hoping the god of death would take his life.

Oh god, help me!

The man with black hair with a pretty handsome face was now only inches away from him. Observe Suwa for a moment. Then smirked, "We're going to have some fun tonight."

When Kao approached about to kiss Suwa's lips suddenly her body bounced.


Some of the demons stared in shock as well as him.

Swearing harshly, Kao wiped away the blood at the corners of his lips, "Shit... Looks like you've been tagged."

Suwa opened her eyes. He was also surprised. Then he glanced at his neck which suddenly glowed goldenly. The sign of the Falcon. And for the first time, Suwa thanked Ludra for slashing his neck at that time.

The fox demon leader of the Urocyon clan rose again to approach Suwa. Surprised.

He had never seen anything like this before. The strange radiance that appeared on the girl's neck was not at all from any Legendary creature she had ever encountered.

Kao is one of the strongest leaders of the fox nation. He was very familiar with the various kinds of marks that Legendary creatures put on to mark their possession. And this is the first time I've seen a sign like this.

Are there new species?

Frowning. He tried to touch Suwa again. But again his body bounced as if there was a wall surrounding Suwa's body.

"Unlucky." Kao cursed. He muttered chanting a magic dispelling spell. He already liked this woman.

When it felt like the spell was quite successful because slowly the golden line on Suwa's neck was dimming. Kao walked over to Suwa again.



A white light moved like lightning. At the same time, several demon bodies were slashed with scratches like scratches. They died instantly.

Suddenly the soldiers of the Urocyon clan moved warily. Their beads glanced left and right. Looking for the creature that suddenly attacked.

Kao turned around when he heard the screams of his men. His gray beads widened to find several fallen members.

Jump to protect the herd. He moves his super ears to hear the existence of other creatures.

Yes... He caught the movement of aliens in this cave.

"Protect the children and women!" Kao said giving orders to his soldiers.

"Yes sir."

Kao growled showing his fangs. His sharp nails started to come out. Prepared to attack the white figure who had killed his men.

"Whoever you are, show your face!"


A flash of white shadow strikes again. Very fast but fortunately, Kao was able to dodge. And the thing the creature was wearing only hit his arm.

Kao grimaced bitterly. The incision was painful and so cold. Until it hurts.



Surprisingly, the figure with the speed of light jumped up. Descending appeared before the entire Urocyon clan. Until the ground, he stepped on thumped.

The man in silver robes. Sit in a squat with one knee on the ground. While the right leg is bent upwards. Such a majestic way of falling. Slowly the figure stood up.

All eyes widen. Their breath caught when they saw who the creature appeared in front of them.

A white-haired figure with silver eyes sparkling as bright as the sky. So beautiful. The warrior's armor is silver with the symbol of an eagle on the back of the robe. Behind his fist was a pointed object made of ice.

The creature standing in front of them looked sparkling and earthy. Just like the description of mythological creatures in the Legendary world that is often told.

Kao, the fox demon leader was flabbergasted. Couldn't believe what he saw.

"Fa... Falcon."
