Hospital and a mutant

After Kelvin left the school area with his bike, he had to ride his bike for an hour to reach the hospital since there was many jammed roads and he had to take detours.

When he reached the hospital's parking lot he saw a lot of dead bodies. There were few bodies which resembled police so he thought that the police had a showdown with the zombies.

And it seems the victory had gone to the zombies since there were lot of them roaming in the parking area.

After leaving his bike took Sara's hand and headed for the hospital. On his way he had to order the zombies a couple of time to make a way for him by moving the abandoned cars.

When he reached the gate of the hospital what he saw would have made him vomit right there if he hadn't become a half-zombie.

There a lot of dead bodies there. While it would seem normal that there would be dead bodies here and there. But at entrance in particular there were a lot of bodies with their guts and insides out in the view.

There were a lot of bodies which had traces of being eaten by something big.

Then they entered the hospital. The Hospital's lights were still on so they could see every thing inside.

"It looks like there was a slaughter here."

Kelvin said seeing the inside the building. There were a lot more dead people's bodies brutally killed and eaten.

There were a lot of corpses of zombies with bullet wound too.

"At first I decided to come to the hospital to take some meds that i couldn't find at the pharmacy. But now it seems that I have to calm down my curiosity."

Kelvin was curious about what is it that is the one who left the traces of large bite mark and claw marks on the corpses and walls.

After 15 minutes.

They were at the center of the hospital. It was very spacious here.

He saw that there was nothing here except the corpses.

After checking here and there for quite a while he decided to go to the hospital pharmacy.

When he was about to leave the center he heard a sound and quickly pulled himself and Sara to the side.

Something big had jumped to where they were a second ago.

It was a humanoid monster. It had exposed muscle without any skin cover. It had dark red eyes and big mouth with big fangs. It had sharp nails had looked like claws or were claws. It's size was double the size of a normal human.

It was something that any zombie apocalypse fan would a mutant zombie.

"Hey you stay right where you are." kelvin tried to order it but it was to no use as it charged at him with a very fast speed.

Kelvin again grabbed Sara by her waist and jumped to the side.

"It seems that I can't control it. Well it seems this power has some limitations."

But now was not the time for him to ponder about that. He has to somehow deal with this mutant.