Bathing His Majesty.

"Don't just stare at me. These clothes won't come off by themselves, Hazel."

Coming back to the present, her legs moved and she approached him. Tentatively, she began taking off his clothes layer by layer and hanging it on a tree. She was done with his upper garments and reached for the lower ones. His pants came off quickly, and she didn't care if she ended up seeing his nudity or not.

Then, she rose again.

"Good," he complimented with a devious smile, which wouldn't stop making her tummy react in an uncomfortable way, "Now, it's your turn."

Say what now?

"You're going to bathe me, that means you cannot get your clothes wet. What better option is there than to take it off?" He strained his head a little to the left, questioning her with his eyes.

With an internal sigh, Raziah began undressing too. She wondered if the guards would notice they were missing and would come to find them because she didn't recall his Majesty telling them that they would be taking a bath over here. His footsteps and the sound of moving water told her the man had just walked into the lake, and once she was out of her clothes...she slid inside.

The warmness was so welcoming, and a pleased sigh escaped her lips. The lake was just a little higher than her waist, and her feet touched the stones underneath which were surprisingly chilly.

What a mysterious lake.

She walked towards him and stopped behind him. There was nothing to bathe with, so she washed him with her hands instead. He was sturdy, and thick, and her small hands were rubbing his skin trying to get the dirt out of his body.

Because Raziah was standing behind him, she didn't notice that his Majesty was half-biting his lips. Her small hands on his back were having more effect on him than he thought they would, and he was struggling internally to keep his hands to himself...and even his legs. His toes had curled under the water, and even though he was fighting a battle inside he maintained his composure on the outside as she scrubbed his back, and legs.

He stiffened a little when the bold woman rubbed his behind too, Even separating the cheeks to wash in between.

Aragon's Adam's apple bobbed up and down when she circled around and faced him so she could wash his front. His eyes were staring straight ahead, and he had released his lips. His composure was Very calm and collected as she trailed and pressed on every dip around his chest, moving lower...and even lower.

Raziah had no idea how to wash a man's privates, which had her pausing. The fact was she wasn't even thinking any more about washing his privates - her mind had been vanquished. A man's private could be this big? Holy Erandell!!

She peeked up at him, but it looked like he wasn't even minding her at all. He had this distant look in his eyes, and she thought to herself that he definitely wouldn't mind so she grabbed his member suddenly without warning...and rubbed as softly as she could. A man's private should be as delicate as a woman's right?

Paying extra attention, she gave him a soft, but good washing from the shaft to the head, running her cold hands around him up and down. Aragon almost hissed, unable to believe that his legs were already growing weak and it was taking every bit of his sanity to keep his member from growing harder than it already is. Meanwhile, the darn Princess had no idea what she was doing to him.

He looked down to see her now washing his balls as softly as possible, her fingers innocently maddening his senses, making him regret asking her to bathe him. The whole thing lasted not more than five minutes, but Aragon looked so tortured his whole face had turned red, and he was gritting his teeth with his hands behind him.

'Don't do it' he kept on warning himself.

"Your Majesty, Am I doing something wrong?" Raziah asked, noticing the hardness his jaw had taken, and it looked like he was fuming.


She took her hands away from him, "You look troubled. Was I not doing it right? Did it hurt?"

"No, hazel," He replied softly, his lips stretching again. But it looked to her like this time he had forced himself to smile at her, "Continue what you're doing. Make sure to pay more attention to the legs," he added, indirectly telling her to move on to his legs.

Nodding in understanding, he didn't know when he sighed in relief when she moved lower and washed his thighs, but it didn't help much since she was still touching him. His legs that were submerged under the water were giving her a hard time reaching, because if she crouch down then her whole body will be under the lake.

"Can you sit on that stone and give me your legs? I can't reach them like this," She told him. She felt as if he was trying to get away from her with the way he quickly turned around and made his way to the stone, putting some distance between them, right before she covered it again.

They sat down facing each other, and she took his right leg and placed it on her soft and milky thighs before washing. She would lean down and fetch the lake water with her palm, rubbing it against every part of his leg. She paid attention to every detail in his leg, and did the same to the other.

Once she was done, she expected him to drop his heavy legs back into the lake, but he didn't move them from her thighs.

"I have a question to ask you, May I?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"Is it one amongst the hundreds of questions?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Go on, then."

It took her a few seconds to put her thoughts into a question, "Why haven't we... consummated our marriage? Is it because people still think I'm your guest?"

"You just asked two questions,"

"The first was a question, the second was the part-question given as a possible answer to the first," she corrected without hesitation.

The dubious smile was back again, "Hazel, I haven't consummated our marriage because it might just completely and totally renew you."

"I know that's not the answer to my question," she replied strongly, lines appearing on her forehead before she shrugged it off, "Oh well, whenever you're ready to tell me. I won't ask you any other question, so you don't have to worry about that,"

"Are you angry with me?"

She opened her mouth when he quickly added.

"Be sincere, Raziah."

"I'm not angry at you, I've never been. If anything, I'm very much satisfied with all that you've been doing. I love being alone, so you not being in the room for the whole day makes me happy, and I love the way Uariel addresses me casually. What if he finally found out that I'm the prince's bride, and begins to bow too much around me? Also, I'm not a needy woman so I couldn't care less if you touched me or not. It's that simple for me, and I never ask for much." She explained. As soon as she was done, both of them instantly realized that it was the first time she had spoken so much in one sitting.

Raziah's brows creased - this man was truly dangerous for her.

Should she have chosen a Prince that was less charming and devious?

"Hazel," his eyes twinkled with mirth, and at that moment a firefly flew past in between them right before his burning dark eyes and her Icy glaciers, "I guess it's true that opposites attract."