The Cry-baby Maid.

And the whole hall fell silent with that simple yet icky sound that had Raziah's heart jumping a little. The maid was still in complete shock staring right into the princess's eyes as if she hadn't just let go of what she was holding.

Raziah was immediately on her feet. She pushed her dish to the king's side and circled the desk to meet the maid. Placing her hand on the maid's back, she pushed her down with her so they would both crouch, then Raziah began picking up the broken pieces. The plate was made with very hard material, so it only shattered into five pieces.

"Pretend like you don't know me," Came Raziah's warning in a hushed whisper. The maid quickly took her eyes away and picked up the last piece, stretching back to their full length. Raziah handed the broken plates to the maids standing behind her, while the first one was busy serving another plate. Her hands were shaking because it seems she had finally realized what she had done.

When cold hands touched the small of her back, she almost jumped, "Be more careful next time." Raziah said to her before she walked back to her seat. She turned to Aragon and whispered to him, "It was a simple mistake. Can you make sure she goes unpunished?"


Once Raziah was done with her meal, she excused herself from the gathering. It seemed nice to everyone with the Music and the dark and eerie setting, but to her, it was very creepy. There was even a show of a man biting off a woman's neck, and they made it look so real as if the man was a vampire - and the woman's skills were commendable with the way she had collapsed on the floor.

Everyone was clapping, but Raziah yawned.

She was sleepy, after all a certain devil didn't let her have a blink of sleep last night.

Aragon ordered the maids to lead Raziah to the room, and she was finally alone. She thought she would at least see that maid again, but she wasn't close by. Her things had already been brought into the room, though she couldn't find his Majesty's. Changing into her night robe, she was just about to lay on her bed when a small knock drew her attention to the door. Was it His Majesty?

Staying in unfamiliar territory, she was extra careful when she opened the door. She had even taken out her kitchen knife just Incase it happens to be an attack, but the alertness flooding her system was quenched when she was the maid standing there. It felt like five minutes had passed, but the maid just stood there staring at her with teary eyes.

"Princess... Raziah?" She barely spoke, overcome by the force of years.

The princess instantly pulled her into the room before anyone would pass by and see them. Making sure the door was locked, Raziah faced the maid, "What is your name?"

"Maria." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

"It's better to whisper, the walls have ears." She replied.

Raziah nodded, "I see, have a seat,"

Before Maria could say no, Raziah had already pulled her along.

"You recognize me?"

Maria sniffed, "Of course. I thought... I was the only one who survived that night."

Raziah sighed inwardly, "Maria, were you a maid back then, or you..."

"I was a maid. Have you forgotten my princess? Though you called me crybaby so you probably never knew my name," Maria smiled as she said so, and a deep dimple appeared on her face. That dimple and the tears were enough to trigger Raziah's memory, and her eyes widened in awareness.

"You were my maid!!" She exclaimed

Maria nodded, "And I'm so sorry, I don't even... I thought..."

Raziah wanted to cry, but her chest had chosen to hold the pain there instead of pushing it up to her eyes, "Let's not talk about that, how have you been, crybaby?"

"I've been so good, your highness. I missed all of you, and savannah."

The name had Raziah's eyes dimming. Savannah and Maria were her maids when Raziah was young, but she was closer to Savannah than she was to Maria. But, Savannah was gone now because of her sacrifice that unfaithful night, and Raziah wouldn't be alive now if not for that brave soul.

"God, you have no idea how glad I am to know that you are alive! It's been nine years since the raid, and..."

"Don't talk about it," Raziah's voice had taken a stern edge to it, shutting up the main instantly.

"I'm so sorry, your highness,"

"It's fine."

The maid then turned to face Raziah properly. How much her Princess had grown, though it broke her heart to see that the sparkle in the princess's eyes was gone, replaced with a lost and Indifferent look. Raziah was the lost Princess, one of the survivors of that night who barely made it out alive thanks to her guard.

A massacre no survivor would ever forget.

"You cut your hair,"

"I wanted a new look, I had to," Raziah stated firmly before warning Maria, "Now that we have seen each other, I should let you know that you're the only one around who knows my true identity. You must never let anyone know about me, do you understand?"

"Yes, my princess." she nodded enthusiastically, wiping away her tears then she asked, "Where have you been living after that? I don't think you're the type to ... " Maria paused, wondering how to put her words in a way that won't sound rude or downgrading.

"At Naria. What are you trying to say?"

"You're His Majesty from Erandell's guest right?"

Raziah nodded.

Maria's lips trembled again. She looked like she was about to burst into tears for the second time.

"What is it?"

"I'm so so sorry, My princess. It must have been so hard for someone like you to come to that decision!" She wailed harder, driving Raziah Into confusion.

"Maria, what exactly are you talking about?"

"You're a guest. Are they gentle? Does it hurt? I can prepare... "

Raziah's stomach churned uncomfortably. Why was she getting the feeling that the word 'guest' wasn't exactly what she thought it meant to everyone?

"Maria, Say it bluntly and don't hold back. What does it mean for me to be a guest to his Majesty? Or anyone else...?"

Maria swallowed, "You don't know?"

"Tell me,"

"A guest is someone who gives her body to different men for money or something in return. Since the king Introduced you as his guest, that's what everyone thinks."

Holy shit. Raziah's eyes also jumped out of their sockets. Her hands on her thighs turned into fists, and she squeezed a handful of her robe. Stupid, that was what she is. How stupid can she be? It's been buzzing in her mind, showing its little signs but she was too out of it to actually give it a thought. Plus, Ms. Ophelia once told her about it.

The difference between a visitor, and a guest.

Guests in most cases in that age are used to introduce a whore, while visitors are the normal guests.

It makes perfect sense now. The reason why she would walk about the palace at Erandell, and the maids would keep Whispering about her. Naturally, whenever a King has a visitor there would be maids to take care of that person till they leave but she had none - which never bothered her. Because of her nature, she had been completely oblivious to it.

And here again, at Sabaean, His Majesty had also Introduced her as his guest. No wonder the King here had the audacity to twirl her around, and why the princesses here didn't even bat her an eyelash.

To them all, She was the King's...

"My Princess?" Maria called out, pulling her attention back to the present.

"I'm not aware of what it meant. His Majesty never laid his hands on me, and I misunderstood the true meaning of the word. Thank you for telling me."

Maria beamed, "So you've never been anyone's guest? That's a big relief!" Maria tilted her head to one side, "But then, why is he calling you his guest? Sounds unfair to me,"

Raziah was angry, but she wasn't showing it too much. Right now she wanted to be alone so she would get her thoughts straight before unloading her anger or someone, "Let's talk tomorrow Marie,"

They both stood up with Marie smiling. Marie had Grey eyes and a baby face. Her dark hair was halfway down her back, but was always packed up since she was a maid.

"Goodnight, my princess."

Raziah couldn't help but hug Marie. The smallest of smiles touched her face for the first time in many years, and tears managed to find their way, pooling in her hazel depths. The maid was surprised at first but instantly hugged her back. Raziah's body was cold as it should always be, but this time it was a little colder.

"You have no idea how glad I am that another person survived. Thank you for Making it, thank you for being alive, and Thank you for running away too," Raziah whispered sincerely.