Unique Eye-lashes.

As soon as Aletta saw him coming her way, she turned around and attempted scrambling back to the room. For a few days now she hadn't ran into him again and had stayed indoors most of the time. The only reason Caius hadn't dragged her out was that his aunt had promised him that she would allow him to attend the event coming up in a few days, and he had been obedient and stayed inside as he was in so much anticipation.

Aletta knew she couldn't go there. She's always been putting on a cap, or cloak anytime she leaves the room, and she didn't want to draw any attention to herself. Fabia had also given her the warning to stay indoors because the nature of her skin alone was enough to draw attention to herself, and one sneaky vampire or witch might want to trick her into leaving with him and since she's such a naive person, she might fall for it.

Did she listen to Fabia? No.