
She was a little shorter than Raziah, and she had the face and skin of a newborn baby. She was putting on a small cloak that stopped right around her lower back, and most of her hair was hidden inside the head of the cloak.

She ran past Raziah with her little legs, entirely focused on her destination as she came to a fast halt right before Fabia, trying to catch her breath.

"W...where is Caius? I...Oh God, tell me he is with you guys!" She crouched down, still trying to feed more air into her lungs.

"I'm sure he would be fine. They're gonna bring him back soon," Maria replied calmly even though she looked very worried herself.

"Why would someone target him? Caius is just a child...!" Fabia uttered to herself, throwing her head back. Her right leg had been vibrating like crazy ever since, and Raziah had just arrived where the women sat.