The Real Reason.

Raziah was taken back to her chambers where surprise after surprise awaited her. Aragon took her straight to the bathroom and helped her with everything she needed. The bath water was already ready, and he also assisted her in taking off her clothes and dipping into the warmth of the water.

He even helped her wash her hair thoroughly, so concentrated on what he was doing. There were so many unconscious actions she found herself doing around him that were hard to believe. She felt so relaxed as she stared into space, feeling the rigidness of his fingers scraping her scalp softly to get all the dirt out.

She kept recalling her conversation with King Eleazar about her husband constantly throwing his scent all over her to keep others away. She couldn't even stop thinking about what happened at the cave last night when he had confessed to her. She found herself in so much confusion about how it all came to be, and how much he's changed overnight.