Path of flowers.

"That little rat!" A feminine voice shrieked out angrily from a room where two women were present. Princess Gwenore and Raziah were in Gwenore's chamber because Raziah had decided to come and visit her to see how she was settling in the next day after the games. She just came to spend about a minute or two and then leave, before Gwenore had brought up the topic of what happened yesterday. 

"I can't believe she would even think of doing that!" Gwenore lashed out again, her eyes blazing as she stared into space. 

"I also kicked her off the horse," Raziah reasoned to the king's second wife whom looked like she was about to murder an entire army, "Ember isn't a problem for me. I can deal with her type very well." Raziah added for clarification so no one would think she was vulnerable in the least.