A Familiar Place.

They were getting ready to leave the kingdom. The Princess had already been informed that they would be leaving Erandell to visit another place, and it was time to take off. When Raziah looked around and saw there were no carriages around, she just knew they won't be leaving the Normal way. Acacia had told her that there was one more person apart from the two of them, and so far, she's only been seeing her husband following them everywhere which now has her confused. 

Was he the last escort?!

But Raziah wasn't in the mood to care for anyone. She could stand there looking as uncaring as anything for as long as she wanted till they were ready to leave. She didn't tell anyone she was leaving because she didn't see the need to. Fabia might start insisting on following her again, and then Caius would have to come along too. Recently, She finds herself acting so calm in every situation.