The Warmth to my Cold.

"Don't go, Don't go..." Raziah kept on chanting in a fervent whisper. Sitting alone in the beautiful garden with his head on her lap, nothing could be more peaceful than that. She kept running her hand around his face, so much emotion in her eyes. 

He watched her with love in his eyes, holding on and waiting till she was very sure it was him that was here, and not a dream. He had seen her pinching herself a while ago, and then took his hand and led them to the garden. There wasn't a moment in time when he took his eyes off her. 

Raziah's heart was so heavy, it had never been this heavy before. She had missed him so much her fingers trembled, she had missed him so much she didn't care what happened next again. She missed him so much that it hurt to see him again and felt so fulfilled at the same time.