Give me Something.

As they had breakfast, Raziah was humming softly under her breath. Food has never tasted so delicious in her mouth before. Probably because it was Aragon feeding it to her. She noticed he had different clothes on from the ones he was putting on last night.

"Did you bring some of your things while you were coming?" She asked after swallowing another bite.

"Oh, no. I ran back to Erandell early this morning to fetch some," He replied nonchalantly and made to add another spoon inside her mouth but she wasn't opening up.

"Come again," She said.

"I fetched some this morning at Erandell, my place."

"Did you just ran all the way there?!"

Now he understood her. A grin appeared on his lips, "Only took me a few minutes to get there," With him fused with his beast, his powers grew day by day. Even he didn't know the extent of what he could do now. Good thing he had held back a lot during his fight with Zoan.