Forgive me.

Raziah had never experienced anything like it before. She's been in many battles, but this one was something else. The emotional instability that rocked through her, the force she had to exert to jump or roll out of the way, the fast decisions she had to make that could instantly decide the course of her life.

Her luck had to be insane because she was still in One Piece.

Right now, everyone around was her enemy. The Warrior Witches that had come out under the instruction of Bell to protect her were now after her life, and each of them was very strong.

Mirabai stood alone without making a move, watching the whole scenario. Raziah knew Mirabai had taken over their minds, and now hundreds of them around were all coming after her. She wasn't counting on anyone's help as Bell was still trying to deal with William at the same time heavily resisting the mind control Mirabai was trying to put on him too. His movements were faltering severely.