The Deal

"Stay here and wait for me. I'll be back before you know it," Malcolm whispered to her before he left, moving in silence toward the small village he had sighted.

They had been traveling through the forest for a while and were now close to a small town. They were safe, but they could not keep traveling on foot. She remembered him mentioning something about finding a blanket for her and a horse they could use to get to a new destination...or something like that.

Raziah sat on a small rock, staring at the ground. There was an empty look shrouding her Golden eyes, and instead of her normal black locks, her hair had transformed into stunning Golden curls, touching her waist.

Her temperature had gone down, and she was not feeling too well. She would shiver every now and then, and her skin was turning pale as seconds ticked by. She could die of cold if she didn't find any warmth soon.