Part 4 - Frozen

"Have you ever thought for a second that Hell could Freeze?"

Aragon and Silver looked down at Caius who was walking next to him. Aragon was recalling the night Caius had approached them. The same day they had found out Caius had a deity living inside of him, and it had convinced Aragon to go and see Raziah.

They were both walking back to the castle then, a few minutes before they ran into Zoan returning after he said goodbye to Aletta.

"What are you talking about?" Silver questioned back the deity, wondering where that question had come from.

"Think about it. What if it did? What will you do?"

"Hell was created to burn for the rest of eternity. It was made to punish those that deviated and will continue to burn. I cannot think about it because it's impossible," Silver replied, slightly amused that such a question even existed.

No matter how much he tried to picture it in his head, he could not imagine hell becoming cold or Frozen.