Chapter 8 Operation Save the Yacht

On the other side of the phone was Michael's son, Jimmy.

  "Dad, damn it! I'm on our boat right now on the Western Highway. Our boat was stolen..."

  Hearing Jimmy's deliberately lowered voice, Michael's expression changed and he couldn't help asking loudly:

  "What the hell?! The yacht was stolen?!"

  "I was going to sell it. I know you don't want to sell it, but I needed the money and it turned out that they weren't going to buy it, they just took it."

  "I'm hiding in the bow now..."

  Michael, who was getting more and more angry, interrupted Jimmy on the other side of the phone before he finished speaking:

  "You're crazy! That's it, I'll go right now, but! To save my boat!"

  When Michael hung up the phone angrily, Lu Qi, who already knew the situation, deliberately asked aloud:

  "what happened?"

  While putting the phone back in his trouser pocket, Michael, who got up from the high chair, explained:

  "Change the plan. If you don't get drunk, you have to wait for another day. My dear son is in trouble!"

  As if ready, Lu Qi put down the cup he was wiping, and immediately said:

  "Is Jimmy in trouble? I'll go with you."

  As soon as the voice fell, Franklin on the side also echoed very cleverly:

  "I'm going to help too, and many people can take care of it."

  Michael first nodded to Lu Qi, then glanced at Franklin before making a decision:

  "Okay, let's drive over there."

  Quickly locking the door of the bar, the three of them got into Michael's wife's red convertible BMW and galloped westward.

  Not long after the car drove out, Lu Qi heard Michael say resolutely with a hint of helplessness:

  "The first lesson in life: Never have children!"

  Along the way, Michael first shared with the two the troubles of having a bear child at home, and then Franklin also expressed his views on the child.

  It has to be said that Michael and Franklin's age background, growth environment and values are completely different.

  However, it was the two people who were so completely unrelated that they actually walked together, became partners, and did one big thing after another.

  With such a development, one can't help but sigh how dramatic life is...

  Just as Lu Qi was sighing, the topic suddenly turned to him.

  "Alix, what do you think?"

  Sitting in the co-pilot, Lu Qi lowered his head and thought for a while before answering:

  "I don't know. I just want my child to grow up healthy and happy. The best thing is that I can give him what other children have..."

  Hearing this, he held the steering wheel with both hands, and overtook Michael, who was a car in front of him, and took over the conversation, "Ha! I thought the same thing at first, but as Jimmy grew up and became fatter, I I just found out that I gave them too much..."

  "So much that they don't want to pay attention to my old man now..."

  Hearing the faint bleakness in Michael's words, Franklin, who was sitting in the back seat, reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting:

  "Hey man, everything will be fine..."

  "Okay, as TM likes..."

  The three of them chatted while walking along the highway, all the way west.

  Finally, on the Perot Highway near Taiping Cliff, the three finally saw their target: a semi-trailer carrying a yacht.

  "Oh! There, there! My ship is there!"

  Looking at the passing yacht, Franklin, who was sitting in the back seat, made a very timely comment:

  "Dude, your boat runs so fast!"

  Hearing these familiar words, Lu Qi's mouth twitched slightly, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

  Xiaofu's complaints are as sharp as ever...

  Under Michael's slam on the accelerator, the red BMW with increased horsepower and the semi-trailer started a chase battle on the highway.

  The other party also seemed to realize that someone was chasing him, and began to step on the accelerator to accelerate.

  However, the semi-trailer is still slower than the BMW because of the yacht behind it.

  As the two cars got closer and closer, Lu Qi could even see the name "Jacqueline" engraved on the yacht

  At this time, sitting in the back seat, Franklin, who was eager to try, asked aloud:

  "Any plans?"

  "Of course, as soon as I get close, you and Alex will be in charge of jumping on that thing and grabbing the yacht back from those bastards."

  Seemingly aware that the plan was not very plausible, Michael went on to add:

  "You'll be fine. If anything happens, I have a pistol in the glove box, and if they dare to touch you, I'll kill them!"

  However, Lu Qi did not agree with Michael's plan.

  "Hey! It's broad daylight. Do you want to shoot the LSPD and bring us back the yacht?"

  Hearing this, Michael continued to overtake the car while steering the steering wheel, and said loudly:

  "Then you genius, do you have any better ideas?"

  "The plan to jump up remains the same. Give me the gun and I can get him to stop."

  Lu Qi's plan made Michael fall into thinking.

  Looking at Michael who was swaying, Lu Qi's expression became solemn,

Shen Sheng assured:

  "Trust me! I won't let Jimmy and your yacht have anything to do with me."

  Perhaps it was because of the strong self-confidence in the sentence "Trust me", or perhaps because of the trust in Lu Qi's skills, Michael finally accepted Lu Qi's suggestion.

  "All right…"

  While speaking, while controlling the steering wheel with one hand, Michael reached out to open the storage box in front of the co-pilot, took out a black Colt M1911, and handed it to Lu Qi.

  "The bullet hasn't loaded yet..."

  Michael just wanted to explain the situation of the pistol to Lu Qi, but when he saw that Lu Qi was very skilled in removing the magazine and checking the performance of the pistol, UU Reading obediently closed his mouth.

  At the same time, in Michael's heart, he had a deeper understanding of Lu Qi, the mysterious guy:

  "This kid has played with guns!"

  Putting the pistol in his lower back, Lu Qi turned his head and looked at Franklin who had been prepared for a long time, and smiled slightly:

  "Okay, it's our turn..."

  Michael stepped on the accelerator again, and the red BMW was getting closer and closer to the semi-trailer that was driving at high speed.

  When the distance between the front of the car and the stern of the yacht was less than one meter, Franklin, who was lying on the hood, jumped and jumped to the gangway at the stern of the yacht.

  Just as Franklin was struggling and wanted to climb onto the yacht, an enemy with a gun in his hand suddenly emerged from the cabin of the yacht.

  The other party came to the stern of the yacht and seemed to want to shoot Franklin, but Franklin grabbed his wrist and couldn't aim well.

  Seeing this, Lu Qi didn't hesitate, stood up from the co-pilot and climbed onto the hood.

  Fortunately, Michael's driving skills are not bad. Moreover, on an unobstructed highway, the speed of the vehicle can be kept at a relatively constant speed.

  While trying to keep his balance, Lu Qi stretched his legs, stood up slowly, aimed at the target, and jumped sharply!

  Where he jumped, unlike Franklin, the boarding position he chose was the railing on the side of the stern of the yacht!

  With a "click", Lu Qi clung to the railing with both hands, and Lu Qi was suspended in the air, his body swaying slightly with the rhythm of the semi-trailer.

  Looking at the thrilling scene in front of him, Michael, who was driving behind him, couldn't help but exclaimed:

  "FXXK! Is this TM making a movie..."