Chapter 22 Dividends and Flight School

Lester's talent is not only reflected in planning operations, gathering intelligence, etc., but also includes many things that other people can't do.

  Like getting rid of booty quickly!

  Just a week later, Lu Qi's mobile phone received an incoming text message from the bank. The content on it was as follows:

  "...Your Garden Bank account ending in 9527, transferred and deposited $300000 by transfer and remittance at 13:35:50 on October 5, and the current balance is $300200..."

  As newcomers, Lu Qi and Franklin both received a relatively low 8% dividend ratio.

  After deducting some miscellaneous expenses, the dividend that Lu Qi finally got in this robbery operation was an exciting $300,000!

  After receiving the text message, within a few minutes, Lu Qi received a call from Lester.

  "The dividend has been transferred to your bank account."

  As soon as the voice fell, Lester on the other end of the phone hesitated for a while before continuing:

  "Uh... that... Although I don't have this obligation, I still want to remind you that the note has been watched more closely recently, so you'd better keep a low profile. Don't spend too much at once, so as not to attract unnecessary attention. ."

  "When the limelight is over, I don't care how you spend this money..."

  Listening to Lester's warning, Lu Qi didn't take it as a child's play, but answered seriously:

  "I see, I'll take care. Thanks, Lester."

  "Okay, that's it..."

  After hanging up the phone, Lu Qi opened the transfer text message again, looking at the sum of money, he couldn't help but ponder.

  Although I promised Lester, I will not spend money lavishly. However, Lu Qi did not intend to spend nothing at all.

  There is one thing he has wanted to do for a long time.

  However, due to the financial dilemma, he has been thinking about it all the time.

  And with the 300,000 dividends in hand, he finally has the funds that can be implemented...

  . . .

  It's autumn, and the weather in Los Santos is a little cooler.

  In the afternoon, before the rush hour, Lu Qi rode a motorcycle, started from the apartment, and drove all the way to the south.

  He first came to the city center, found an ATM machine, and withdrew 30,000 cash from his bank account.

  Then, continue south, through Lopota, and finally arrive at the flight school located near the airport.

  That's right, the thing he wants to do is learn to fly a plane!

  To be precise, learning to fly a helicopter.

  Lu Qi's eyes were never limited to his eyes.

  Just like he bought a wooden pile to practice boxing and went to the shooting range to practice guns on time every day, Lu Qi has been working hard to improve his various skills since he came to Los Santos.

  He knew very well that the only thing he could rely on in this game world was his skills.

  [Wing Chun Boxing], [Firearms Knowledge], [Vehicle Driving]!

  Although he hadn't seen an improvement in his skill level for the time being, the increasingly precise marksmanship and calluses on his fists were telling him that as long as he continued to persevere, it was only a matter of time before his skills would rise to the next level.

  In addition to exercising existing skills, Lu Qi also intends to master new skills.

  As an extremely convenient small air vehicle, the use of helicopters is very common.

  Taking into account the situations that may arise in the future and the time cost required for learning, Lu Qi chose to learn to fly a helicopter.

  Before coming, Lu Qi had already checked the information about Los Santos flight school online.

  At present, there are two ways to obtain a private aircraft driver's license, one is full-time study at a flight school (academy), and the other is an appointment-style time-sharing study at the airport's affiliated department.

  As the only flight school in Los Santos, both options are available.

  And Lu Qi chose the second one.

  Of course, apart from the level of tuition fees, what he values ​​more is the flexibility of his class time.

  Although he already has a considerable amount of money on hand, he does not intend to resign from the bar immediately, just to learn to fly a plane.

  Therefore, the way to freely reserve time to study is his best choice.

  Because the helicopter driver's license he chose to obtain is private, not commercial.

  Therefore, in terms of price, it is also relatively cheap.

  After paying all the tuition fees at one time, Lu Qi took out 30,000 yuan in cash from the bank, and only more than 2,000 yuan remained.

  Lu Qi didn't feel distressed at all when he lost more than 20,000 US knives all at once.

  If more than 20,000 yuan can make him learn to fly a helicopter, it is simply a great value!

  The entire flight course includes 60 hours of theoretical study and 50 hours of flying with instructors. During this period, there are many and complicated subjects to be learned, such as aerodynamics, aviation meteorology, aviation medicine, aviation piloting, aviation communication and so on.

  In addition, it is necessary to constantly overcome all kinds of dizziness and fear, as well as to deal with emergencies.

  As long as you pass all the courses and assessments,

Lu Qi can get a helicopter driver's license within three months at the earliest.

  After paying the tuition fee and completing all the admission procedures, Lu Qi came to an office under the leadership of the school staff.

  Due to the high cost of private jet courses, each student is assigned a flight instructor by the school to conduct one-on-one teaching.

  The flight instructor assigned to Lu Qi was a middle-aged man in his forties with a slightly deformed figure. UU reading

  When he saw Lu Qi, the student, his attitude was neither cold nor warm.

  "Hello, sir. My name is Benjamin, and I'm your flight instructor. I'll teach you how to fly various helicopters in the upcoming lessons."


  Shaking hands with the instructor, after getting to know him initially, Lu Qi did not leave immediately, but took out an envelope from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to the other party.

  "This is?"

  "Benjamin, this is my intention. Under your teaching, I will definitely be able to learn all kinds of helicopter flying skills, don't you think?"

  Opened the envelope and glanced inside, Benjamin's originally stern face, like a flower that bloomed in an instant, said with a wide-eyed smile:


  While speaking, he inadvertently put the envelope in his hand into his trouser pocket.

  Seeing this, Lu Qi smiled inwardly, and then said:

  "Then Instructor Benjamin, can we start the class now?"

  "Of course, please come with me."

  Under the leadership of the instructor, the two came to a small conference room.

  The meeting room is arranged as a study room, with all kinds of study materials and tools required for flight.

  Turning on the projector, Benjamin came to the podium, holding a pointer,

  Lu Qi, on the other hand, was sitting in the seat below, holding a pen and a small notebook in his hand, with a serious face, like a good student who listens obediently.

  "In order to better fly in the sky in the future, today, let's start to learn some theoretical knowledge of flying. Are you ready?"

  "You can start anytime."

  "Well, first of all, let's learn about the basic structure of helicopters..."