Chapter 32 rescue plan

The rescue plan formulated by the FIB is very simple and crude.

  Trevor first stabilized the helicopter above the IAA headquarters building. Michael fixed his body and went down with a rope. From the building more than 100 meters high, he broke through the window.

  The target was then rescued from the IAA's agents and finally evacuated together.

  It sounds easy, but when you do it, it's not like that...

  You know, Michael is not the soup from "Mission Impossible", nor the Bourne from "The Bourne Bourne", but a middle-aged fat uncle who was in his 40s.

  When Lu Qi saw the slightly bulging belly under Michael's tights, he sweated for him.

  Lu Qi also proposed to let him do this difficult job.

  However, Michael rejected him.

  Michael's idea is very simple: this is a matter between him and FIB, and Lu Qi, an innocent person, should not be allowed to take responsibility that he should not bear.

  Although Michael is very cunning, he will not back down when it is time to stand up and take responsibility.

  Just like in North Yankton, he was willing to betray his companions in order to take on the responsibility of the family...

  Trevor joined the Air Force in his early years, and his flying skills are still very good.

  Steady hovering the shuttle helicopter over the IAA headquarters building, Trevor said:

  "Okay, my work is done. It's your turn, Jimmy."

  "If you dare to mess around while I'm down there, I'll crawl back along this rope and strangle you to death with it."

  After that, Michael put on his mask, climbed out of the helicopter, fixed the lock to the rope, and slid down the rope.

  Like an elite soldier in a raiding force, Michael's right hand was behind his waist, his left hand was holding the figure-eight ring, his feet were on the smooth surface of the building, and he was hopping downhill.

  Fortunately, the weather in Los Santos today is clear and cloudless, and the wind speed is not too fast.

  Just when Michael wanted to ask the floor where the target was, a timely reminder from Lu Qi came from the headset:

  "Michael, the office is on the 36th floor. You can move down five floors to reach the target's office. You'd better get your pistol ready..."


  According to the instructions, after carefully moving down five floors, Michael quickly came to the window of the target's office.

  In the office, a woman is interrogating a black-haired Latino man with the help of two male detectives.

  According to the photos provided by FIB, the elder brother who is being tortured is the target of this rescue - Mr. K.

  Perhaps it was so much fun that no one noticed at all, the ropes just outside the window, and a shadow showing half of his buttocks.

  At this time, the female detective who just turned around finally saw the rope outside the window and couldn't help asking:

  "What the hell is this?!"

  However, what answered him was the sound of glass breaking!

  clap la la...

  The "fat middle-aged agent" Michael slammed into the window, grabbed the Latino man under interrogation, pulled out the pistol in his thigh in his right hand, pointed at his head, and shouted loudly:

  "Don't shoot if you don't want him to die!"

  Upon seeing this, several detectives took out their pistols and aimed at this guy who dared to run wild on the IAA site.

  "Who is this TM?"

  "Fix this trouble!"

  Seeing that the other party didn't listen to the warning, Michael hurriedly called for support:

  "Franklin, I might need a little support!"


  At the same time, as the highest-ranking detective in the room, the short-haired female detective pointed at Michael and ordered loudly:

  "K is very useful to us, annihilate the gangsters!"

  Before he finished speaking, an agent standing on the right side of the office was shocked as if hit by a heavy hammer in the chest, and then fell to the ground.

  Looking at the bloodstains slowly spreading on the other side's chest, the female detective who was still in command just now hid under the table subconsciously.

  "There are snipers!"

  Under the remote cover of Franklin, several detectives were hit to varying degrees, and the surviving detectives also acted as tortoises.

  Taking advantage of the gap, Michael quickly tied the seat belt in front of him to the target, and then shouted into the earphone:

  "The room is emptied! Old Cui, the winding winch pulls us up!"

  However, what Michael was afraid of happened.

  Trevor did not listen to the command, but wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to sway Michael.

  "Old Mai, someone is shooting you, this is not clean enough. We will continue after everything is cleared, you soft-footed shrimp!"

  "You're going to kill us all, you know?"

  Just as the two were arguing over the earphones, Lu Qi, who was sitting in the back seat of the helicopter, suddenly pulled out the Beretta 92F from his waist, held the back of Trevor's head, and said coldly:

  "Traver, pull them up! Right now!"

  His tone was full of unquestionable attitude.

  Being shot in the head by a gun, Trevor didn't hesitate at all. But he still muttered inaudible whispers, and reluctantly pressed the button of the winch.

  "All right…"

  With the operation of the helicopter winch, Michael and the target Mr. K were slowly pulled into the helicopter.

  Michael, who took off his mask, looked as if he had just come out of the sauna, sweating profusely.

  "Traver, WDNMD!"

  Trevor, who was scolded, laughed unconcernedly:

  "Hahaha, you look so cowardly..."

  At this time, through the rear-view mirror, Trevor saw three helicopters approaching in the distance.

  "Wow, it looks like we brought out their air unit..."

  "Then why are you still standing there, take us out of here!"

  "no problem!"

  I saw Trevor holding the control stick and pulling it back, and the helicopter immediately climbed upwards, just to avoid a burst of fire from behind.

  Da da da…

  The three helicopters behind them seemed to have been ordered to keep firing forward, trying to knock down the helicopters.

  If it wasn't for Lao Cui's excellent driving skills, who flipped and moved around in the air, perhaps the helicopter would have been blown up long ago.

  However, if it goes on like this, there will always be times when you get hit.

  Thinking of this, Lu Qi immediately said to Franklin through the earphone:

  "Franklin, the helicopter is flying towards you, give them some color! "

  "Damn, I thought my job was easier..."

  Franklin, who was standing on the roof of a nearby building, complained while holding a sniper rifle and shooting at the pursuing helicopter.

  Franklin's marksmanship is not bad, at least it can hit the fuselage of the helicopter, causing some trouble for the opponent.

  However, asking him to blow up the pilot with one shot is a bit hard on him...

  However, with Franklin's long-range containment, the helicopter was able to safely leave the bustling city center and fly all the way east.

  The three helicopters of the IAA, like gangrene, followed all the way.

  Suddenly, with the sound of "bang bang bang", the helicopter couldn't dodge in time, and was shot several times by the machine gun behind him.

  The next second, the dashboard in front of Trevor began to emit a harsh warning sound.

  The situation was urgent, and even Cui Fu, who was not afraid of the sky and earth, could not help but reminded:

  "Michael, Alex, I don't want to disturb you. However, you should find a way to deal with these helicopters, lest we be blown up in the air!"

  Hearing this, Lu Qi's eyes involuntarily moved to the RPG that had been prepared.

  Don't do it again and again, do TMD!

  "I come!"

  As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lu Qi picked up the rather heavy RPG, put it on his shoulders, slightly exposed his body outside the helicopter, aimed at the nearest helicopter, and pulled the trigger.

  call out!

  The shells with a little exhaust gas shot towards the target!


  With a scream full of horror, the helicopter, which had no time to dodge, was directly hit!

  In an instant, the entire helicopter exploded, turning into a black smoke-filled fireball in the air!