The Busch Hunter and Ottawa Airfield

ODTA was in full swing, people rebuilding everything they'd lose during the second wave of nuclear fires. The Ghost and the Busch Hunter took a team to head south, exploring the Peru Regional Valley Airport. The City of Peru Illinois was totally wiped out after the second wave of nuclear fire, and eerily resembled a ghost town of a horror movie.

The away team had two missions, Objective One: Find the old TBM Avenger WWII Warbird and try to bring it to ODTA, and Objective Two was to drive to Aurora Illinois and get the PBY Catalina boat plane from WWII back to ODTA as well. The home team was to clear the Old Ottawa Airfield and get ready for the two aircraft to return home. With the radio 1430 WCMY Station restored, the planes could land with the help of radios.

Arriving at the P.R.V.A, they swept the area for host. While the Ghost prepped the Avenger for takeoff. Once the OK was given the Avenger roared down the tattered runway and into the sky. The plane was in decent shape, and still functional, most importantly it had guns, plenty of firepower to keep the National Guard out of ODTA airspace. As it cruised along the driving team sped back to ODTA ready for the Avenger to land. After a little while the TBM Avenger landed safely back on the ODTA Tarmac.

The main drag of Ottawa's business district had been leveled and with a few hours of cleaning and removing debris they made it into a suitable tarmac. Now the away team headed to Aurora, passing dead Skattlkin as they went. The death wave had made their existence just as hard as it was for the citizens of ODTA. Eventually they made it to Aurora, a dense fog covered the land and engulfed the city. dead corpses littered the city as they approached the Municipal Airport. After a sweep, they all still looked around uneasy at the presence of the fog. The Ghost hopped into the Catalina and prepped to takeoff. Then out of a hangar, came the beast, The Starved Gorgon.