The News Spreads

As new of Texan defeat and Illinois victory reached the other regions, they began to reconsider an invasion of the Midwest, rather the colonial states proposed they attempt to ally with them to keep Texas in check. They prepared to send diplomats to ODTA, a foreign place to them, but they knew if they were to survive, they'd need a plan to hold Texas at bay, and at this point, Illinois and the Midwest seemed like their best chance.

A Douglas DC-3 flew into the midwestern territory carrying delegates with the hope of forming an alliance with the midwestern powers. They radioed ODTA so they wouldn't shoot them down. At this time ODTA and its allies had taken all the National Guard bases statewide and made them their own, making it that much hard for Texan forces to even consider invading.

In ODTA, the Ghost and his team awaited the Colonial Diplomats to land. They were nervous, after all, these were the original 13 colonies with few other surrounding states eagerly awaiting word if an agreement could be reached. As the DC-3 landed the whole city went into lockdown, and the delegates were brought into the Central Life Building to talk about this alliance. As they sat in the meeting room, they all knew what failure meant not only for their cities, but their futures.

As they talked, Generals of the Texan Army and Airforce were chewed out for losing to a bunch of farmers with airplanes, and no pride in their state. The Texan President Adam Buckle was furious with their defeat in Illinois and gathered his staff in the hope of making a new plan of attack.

"Mr. President, we have a few unused nukes in our arsenal, we could glass Springfield as a warning to lay down their arms and surrender."

"We could, but do y'all know how we have to transport that? AIRPLANES, FUCKING AIRPLANES THAT THEY'LL SHOOT DOWN! HOW STUPID ARE YOU MR. SECRETARY?! We need a god damn solution to their air superiority, or we'll never glass Springfield and make it an example. Ottawa is out of the question; at least till we get an airbase in Illinois, but make my words, those dirty democratic worshippers will die, in a fiery blaze of nuclear fire!"

The staff cheered as the President sat down, happy with his resolve, death to Ottawa and their resistance.