The Ghost of Ottawa Rising

The Alarms in ODTA went as the Air fleet guided the TBM Avenger to the Tarmac but it was all in vain. The Avenger touched down, but the plane's left landing gear broke off and sent the plane crashing into a nearby building. The Busch Hunter ran to the plane, but the Ghost was already out of it. The photographer looked at the Ghost and capture the picture that would inspire the rest of the regions to act with caution. He points his revolver at the camera, and yelled, "I am not your enemy, I am THE ENEMY."

After the Ghost check himself into the hospital, the photographer went crazy making propaganda ideas. He got to work making more and more but he was unable to get the right picture. He stumbled upon the flyer the W.C.C, the took their quote and made it something to make the W.C.C tremble.

Flyers were made and set all over the regions. Cropduster dropped them all over the W.C.C and quickly rebels plastered graffiti all over the West. Enough to warrant them to send delegates to ODTA.

Once there they demand that the flyers stop, and that the Midwest would stop trading with the Colonial States. The Ghost listened and laughed, then leaned forward in his chair. "Threaten me and my Nation, I'll make Texas look like child's play. You OWN NOTHING, NOR are you in any sort of position to demand a DAMN THING. Again, I am not your enemy, I AM THE ENEMY! Now kindly GET LOST!"

The delegate cursed under his breath and the Ghost sigh and put the pistol to his head.

"Say that again you pompous asshole. Just because I killed Buckle, doesn't mean I'm like you. You and Buckle are the same. Clinging to old world ideals, Democrats are bad, Republicans are bad, THEY'RE DEAD ASSHOLE, CHANGE OR DIE. We didn't get a choice live in luxury; we built this city up from the ground. You will change or you will die all the same. So go ahead, threaten me. See how long California stands up to me and my might you moron."

The Delegate falls out of his chair, crawling away from the table.

"Yes, OK, OK I will make sure we don't fuck with you and your people."

The Ghost left the room and walked through the town; the speaker blaring Elton John's I'm Still Standing as he climbed to the top of the Reddick Mansion looking out over ODTA. Things were changing, ODTA now had B-2 Spirit bombers and they'd opened up channels to send Florida aid, the W.C.C was scared to death of them, and Texas had been reduced to pieces of its former self. Big changes will change ODTA forever.