Operation 1776

ODTA had made their W.P.S.B into their command center and safe guard in the event the Remnant Government decided to attack. The Spec Shadows attempted to run recon missions to Washington D.C but due to the amount of security and drones, they'd never make it inside the border. President Milly Howell had ordered for more and more drone strikes, hitting the Texan Empire, scaring the Queen of the West Coast into hiding, and holding their ground in the East (Colonial States).

ODTA and the other regions began preparing for the biggest land, air and sea invasion since WWII. Each of the regions agreed, even with their disputes, this old world government needed to hunted to extinction.

They were the reason the world had died out in the first place. Governments of the world found it easier to nuke each other and kill billions of people rather than stop their petty disputes, and with the Remnant Government still alive, it could me the world's undoing for the third time.

As the United Regions Defense Force or U.R.D.F made their plans and scrambled their pilots, stationing them in the Midwest, the Remnant Government keep up their drone strikes. It would take the combine force of all the regions to even stand a chance, but since the Remnant Government believed their differences separated any possibility of them unifying, they didn't bother readying any formal defense other than unmanned aerial drones and land-bound drones.

This time it would be a bloodbath of Washington D.C, the former nations capital, and historical landmark hub. The Ghost of Ottawa flyers were dropped in D.C hopping their contact there would find the encoded message.

The woman was a spy, The Whisper of Washington, she was embedded in the darkest corner of Washington D.C, only the Executive bunker had power, so the city was largely in the dark, keeping camera, and other anti-espionage devices offline believing their people were fully under their control. After all, why would the puppet masters not trust their puppets, especially if they've maintained control over them for the last two decades.

The Whisper of Washington managed to decode the message, "Gather.....Your....People.....Siege.....Incoming."

She put on her coat and left her shelter and made her way to the Lincoln Memorial, awaiting her other trusted contacts. Once they arrived, the Whisper revealed the message.

"There's a siege coming, we must get out of this city, we are to rendezvous with the Ghost of Ottawa outside the city limits, way outside them."

"Then what?"

"We know all we need to know. Gather your families and things, we're leaving." stated the Whisper as she wrapped her scarf around her neck.

The group split off and began to head back home knowing they had a window of 24-hours to get out of the city undetected. As the Whisper closed the door to her she knew this was her chance to get out of this ridiculous city, one where the government care only for profit, not its people.