Operation Midnight Sun Part Three

The two Spectre Squadron aircraft had encounter a F-35 Lightning fifth generation fighter jet.

"Command, I've intercepted a F-4 Phantom and an injured TBM Avenger, orders?"

"Damage or destroy the F-4, leave the TBM Avenger. You're needed elsewhere."


The F-35 slide behind the F-4 and light it up. The damaged TBM Avenger was behind the F-35 and the Ghost held down the trigger. The F-4 was riddled with bullets and the F-35 took substantial thruster damage before flying away, disappearing into the sky.

"Talk to F-4."

"HA! Idiot didn't leave a bullet hole in me! Can't say the same about the plane."

"You're leaking oil and hydraulic fluid, let's get to the U.S.S New York and get patched up."

The two planes land and a horde of people come rushing out.

"Who got shot down?" "Did we lose?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Spectre Squadron is reporting smoke and a destroyed aircraft."

"Must be that F-35."


"Take a look at the Phantom."

The F-4 was missing panels and its thrusters were mangled, wings riddled full of holes, it was a miracle it landed, an TBM Avenger had a bent propeller blade, right aileron was torn up, and the canopy was had a hole punched through it.

"We might have survived, but it was pure luck." said the Ghost as medics looked over the shard lodged in his chest."

As the others landed, total victory was declared, the crew cheered as the U.S.S headed back home.