Welcome Pulse Sparrows

The group took their stroll down the street, headed to get their next job, bills needed paid and money needed to be made.

Kay had managed to steal back and upgrade the Ghost's revolver, and gave him a modified tommy gun, all up to modern specs.

"Consider this your welcome present." said Kay

"Thanks Kay, I won't let anyone here down."

"Better not, Cayle just gave us a hot job." said Lyquientiss

"Hot job?"

"Means most of the crews are competing for the score." said Clarity

"Ya LQ, your group needs a new to enter." said Cayle stepping out of the building

"Nighthawks, We should be the Nighthawks." stated the Ghost

"Not a bad name, any other ideas?"

"Why not Pulse Sparrows?"

"That's....actually pretty good, Cayle, the Pulse Sparrows are joining the band."

"Sweet, don't get your feather asses fried, I've got money riding on this deal, best make it back here with the score."

The Pulse Sparrows went to the job, ready for their next set of instructions.

-* Alright Pulse Sparrows, you have the high value target, got word there's a big shot tech corp guy holed up in the building, kill him, get proof of death, and he has a briefcase, that is what you'll bring back. Good Luck ~C *-

"Alright, we have our orders, get cracking."

The Pulse Sparrows made their way into the building, Clarity scanning bodies and they moved. The Ghost followed behind LQ, who was carrying a heavy assault machine gun, ready to mow through anyone who disturbed their mission.

"LQ DOWN!" yelled the Ghost who'd lined up a shot taking down a few guards.

"Good shooting, tech-tike is a floor up, we need to move."

Upstairs, the tech-tike was pacing the floor, he had no idea he was being hunted. He'd isolated himself trying to come up with new tech for his partners. His guard were picked off as multiple groups made their way into the building.

"LQ, stairwell is clear." stated the Ghost

"Good, move in."

The Pulse Sparrows stacked on the door, ready to breach. The Ghost kicked in the door, to find the tech-tike caught off guard.

"W-who are you people!?"

The Ghost didn't hesitate and fired into the tech-tikes chest. LQ took a photo and cut off his hands as proof, while Clarity grabbed the briefcase. The others maintained watch over the building.

"Got what we need, bug out."

The team scaled the outside of the building, rather than take the trip through the crew infested building. Once on the group, the first team opened fire on them.

"EVERYBODY MOVE!" yelled LQ as an missile hit the building.

The Pulse Sparrows rushed to cover as a VTOL-Craft loaded with Droppers began offloading, entering the building, the VTOL-Craft held its position, maintaining air supremacy

"LQ, we're pinned down, what do we do?"

"I'm working on it."

"Follow me!" yelled the Ghost using the crates to shield the movements. They did this for 10 minutes before finally escaping the Droppers.

"Quick thinking GH, glad you were there."

"Gotta help the team, nobody else dies on my watch."

The Pulse Sparrows return to Cayle who was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

"Fuck yea mates! You got it!"

"Yea, now where's our payment?"

"Big briefcase on the left. Good work, I'll call you with our next gig deets."

The Pulse Sparrows split the reward, then headed into the city to party.