Playtime's Over Kid

A few days of well needed R&R had passed, when LQ finally answered Cayle.


"We needed a break."

"UGH! LISTEN, big score is on the horizon, tomorrow to be exact, big tech guy, going by the name Evelyn, he's been made a target."

"Shit, Evelyn is the guy who made GH a living popsicle."

"Shit, I knew that name was familiar. Look, put GH in our call."

-*GH has entered the call*-

"Listen GH, Evelyn has been made a target for the next big score."

"What's the pay?"

"Massive pay outs for y'all, respect and name pushing for me."

"What'd he do?"

"Not clear, contract says he need to die, not sure if you wanna save his bacon on this one, every crew has been sent this contract, ain't gonna be easy."

"We move on him tonight, once midnight hits we strike."

"No good, contact say he dies in broad daylight."

"What? said GH, "That's suicide for any crew going after him." stated LQ.

"Yea, and to make it worse. the time y'all have to kill him, is during his speech for something tomorrow."

"GH, it's your call, he's your guy."

"LQ, no dice, I already killed the bastard who shot me, besides, still got plenty of creds to last me a while."

"Damn straight, no sense in getting killed by droppers. Sorry Cayle."

"Nah man, y'all straight. It's too risky."

The call ended and everyone believed that was the end of the conversation, until Kay busted into the room.

"Guys! You're gonna wanna see this."

The holo-tv was on broadcasting live from the tech-center, Evelyn was unveiling something new.

"Today, we mark a new age of humanity! Recently an old friend paid me a visit, he showed me truely how cool, chrome can make oneself. So I thought, why not make something even better. Today I unveil the "Santiago" the world's first assault grade, sensory enhancing, full-body modification. I shall demonstrate."

The camera zoomed out to reveal a bunch of captured crews, all trying to get the score funds. Evelyn simply entered a running stance, and in a blink of an eye, the crews were reduced to a blood mist. The Ghost covered his mouth in horror, LQ stepped out and took another phone call from Cayle who'd seen the broadcast.

"This is just a fraction of its abilities! Think of all the good you can do with this, all the gangs you could crush, all the ghosts you could hunt..." Evelyn look into the camera, blood dripping off of his head. "Don't worry my old friend, this will finally show you how outdated you've become! Ha!" cackled Evelyn on stage. The broadcast ended, leaving the Ghost mortified. He had become the number one target of Evelyn Rockefeller. Eccentric trillionaire, and as of a few moments ago, a mass murderer.

"LQ, we gotta hide him!"

"Little too late for that dear child." said Evelyn walking into the apartment."


Evelyn laughs as he powers up the suit and takes a step toward the Ghost. He fell through the floor, due to its weight, LQ and the others bugged out evading stealth droppers who crashed through the roof. Clarity held onto her painting as they began piling into the van.

"There you are!" said Evelyn

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" yelled the Ghost firing his revolver at him.

Time seemed to stand still as Evelyn dodged the bullets, and rushed toward The Ghost. Only, the Ghost's eyes were tracking him. Evelyn stopped moving and glared at him.


"Silly me, must've forgot to stand still."

Evelyn lunged at Clarity, the Ghost however had his shots all lined up, hitting Evelyn's exposed face. The first bullet made impact and caused the suit to go berserk. Evelyn screamed loudly as the pain began to drive him psycho.

"LQ GET OUTTA HERE!" yelled the Ghost jumping into the van. LQ squealed the tires on the van as he jumped into traffic, driving much faster than the traffic, only to be pulled over five miles away.

"Officer you don't understand, there's a god damn psycho on out tail..."

Before the officer could speak, he was turned into a blood stain painting the van and LQ. Evelyn had lost it, killing cars, and civilians alike. LQ punched it getting away from him. Droppers surrounded Evelyn eventually having no choice to kill him. The death toll that day was well into the thousands.